Recent content by GaveMeJoy

  1. GaveMeJoy

    But Faith Changes Us

    All of that is wonderful but in real life Christians still sin every day. You do, I do, we all do. so everything hinges on what it means to “walk in” sin. We identify with Christ through his blood so the sins we do commit are attoned for and not our master. Though we still sin because of our...
  2. GaveMeJoy

    I am Afraid To Respond To Other People's Threads On Here

    The purpose of public forums is to give and receive feedback, so it might be helpful for you to remind yourself that when you have anxiety about posting :)
  3. GaveMeJoy

    My simple proof that God's Will is not always performed

    God made humans with the ability to sin, intentionally. He is 100% responsible for creating human beings with the ability to sin. That’s not even in contention. humans didn’t decide they would have the ability to sin, the potentiality for sin existed because God placed the tree of the knowledge...
  4. GaveMeJoy

    My simple proof that God's Will is not always performed

    Ok so God sometimes works indirectly and prefers some things over others but allows the will of created beings to operate which results in things he isn’t in direct control of but permits? If people make >choices< With their will, where do those choices come from? When we do things, we don’t...
  5. GaveMeJoy

    Sharing The Love of Christ Towards People Who Just Don't Want to Listen

    We are only called to share the gospel, not convince, persuade or engage people into believing it. It’s a huge relief when you can focus on the fact that neither you or Billy Graham has the power to convince a single heart to turn to Christ. It’s a function of the Holy Spirit and you aren’t...
  6. GaveMeJoy

    COVID-19. I disagree with my pastors.

    Unfortunately being a republican or conservative has become equally important in the minds of many evangelical church leaders. Instead of following the law, they can be chomping at the bit to fight the “liberals.” And this can destroy the testimony of Christ and set a terrible example for the...
  7. GaveMeJoy

    BLM "Peaceful Protest" in Chicago as Recorded By Police.

    A loosely organized group of people with diverse thoughts about race relations in America who generally agree that its important to highlight the fact that black lives matter and police brutality/killings of people of color are a major problem in this country. People who riot and do crazy...
  8. GaveMeJoy

    Can I ask God to avenge my enemies?

    It you want to be like David, or do you want to be like Jesus?
  9. GaveMeJoy

    Church discipline for morbidly obese

    I agree with your conclusion. We should not vilify mental illness we need to respond with love, and compulsive eating is an illness.
  10. GaveMeJoy

    [MOVED] Women Submitting To Their Husbands: What Christians Get Wrong

    Yeah and christian culture establishes a ludicrous sexist "handoff" of the daughter from the father to the husband, where women don't develop ambition, a career, a work ethic, an understanding of money, or independence. Then surprise, when she is unhappy and unfulfilled with a codependent life...
  11. GaveMeJoy

    Black Lives Matter - so please - if you are black, join the police and aim for Police Chief?

    And black men make up 40% of the prison population even though they represent 6% of the national population. There is obviously a problem with the criminal justice system
  12. GaveMeJoy

    Are we playing rope-a-dope with the protestors?

    So your position is apparently anti-protest. This is America, it’s sort of important here.
  13. GaveMeJoy

    In need of some help & Guidance :(

    I’m so sorry for all of this pain and horrible things you have experienced. I can only share this verse that comforts me during very hard times: John 16:22 New International Version (NIV) 22 So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will...
  14. GaveMeJoy

    I think Christians can be models too

    The modeling industry, like film and acting, is a horrifying place to work where you will face a barrage of attacks on your morality and faith on a daily basis. It’s nearly impossible to work in those industries and maintain a strong walk with God. My Christian wife had the same perspective as...