Recent content by G F Sladcik

  1. G F Sladcik

    Is the Old Testament relevant to the modern-day Christian?

    Great insight and all the more reason to embrace the Old Testament. Thanks
  2. G F Sladcik

    Is the Old Testament relevant to the modern-day Christian?

    Some Christians find reading the Old Testament arduous and unnecessary. All of those laws and calls for sacrifice just do not seem to have value. The God of the Old Testament seems so harsh with all that wrath and judgment -- that God does not seem to be the same God that Jesus refers to -- that...
  3. G F Sladcik

    Why will the meek inherit the earth?

    The simple answer is because Jesus said so. "Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth." Matthew 5:5 NKJV But why? Doesn't meek mean weak? Why would the weak inherit the earth? Meek vs Weak I believe one of the main reasons we think of the meek as weak is because we recognize...