Recent content by Francis Drake

  1. Francis Drake

    Could a born again Christian give me a prophetic word?

    Don't expect all prophetic words to be related to or fact checked by scripture. I have had countless words and visions related to real life, where the Lord is giving direction or encouragement. Insisting as many do, that prophecy conforms to scripture serves only to exclude a whole area of...
  2. Francis Drake

    Praying in tounges in Dream

    It seems obvious that you already have the gift of tongues, but have yet to unwrap it. Your spirit is crying out in tongues, as witnessed when you sleep, but your mind gets in the way when awake. Speaking in tongues requires us to participate with our breath, our tongue, and vocal cords, but the...
  3. Francis Drake

    Do you believe in demons? Can we cast them out?

    Unclean spirits can dwell in anyone, including Spirit filled Christians. I have been involved in deliverance since the 70s and every single demon I have cast out was from Spirit filled Christians.
  4. Francis Drake

    Do you believe in demons? Can we cast them out?

    ALL Christians should be able to cast demons out.
  5. Francis Drake

    My Life Journey through the Lens of Many Charismatic and Paranormal Experiences

    I believe these words of knowledge were given so that you could intercede. As Jesus said, the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but I have come to give life! If God gives such a word, it isn't cast in stone, and it's not as if God wants him dead is it. Given that God isn't into giving...
  6. Francis Drake

    Are today's Jewish Israelite's the descendants of original Israelite's

    Except that the majority of Arabs resident in Gaza or the West Bank came as migrant workers when Israel started to make the desert blossom! I have seen that from many Arab sources stating that fact. Their roots are mostly Syrian or Egyptian, not Palestine/Israel.
  7. Francis Drake

    Feeling guilty and rather overwhelmed by the conflict in Israel

    I do not believe this dream has anything to do with Israel. As related in the dream it is America, and daily we observe the southern border an open gate for terrorists and murderers to enter. ISIS in the dream represents all Islamic terrorists including Hamas. Your laying down your arms...
  8. Francis Drake

    Are today's Jewish Israelite's the descendants of original Israelite's

    Before the modern day Aliyah movement drew Jews to the land, it was largely bereft of people. Yes there were Beduin tribes and Arabs (and also Jews occupying certain parts, particularly Jerusalem), but according to various sources there was much land laid to waste or swamp. Then Jewish...
  9. Francis Drake

    My Life Journey through the Lens of Many Charismatic and Paranormal Experiences

    A wonderful testimony! Thank you. I love the fact that the Lord treats each one of us as individual children, not clones.. My experience is entirely different to yours, but equally impacting
  10. Francis Drake

    The Lord's Voice

    Wow, what a powerful statement of shear unbelief. I've been hearing God speak since I was a child and i'm 73 now. If I hadn't listened to that voice I would be dead, along with my wife. His voice has directly guided me in my business life, through words and visions and prophecies...
  11. Francis Drake

    Advice? Prophetic word?

    That's sad. In my long history of walking with the Lord He has spoken to me many times through dreams and visions, just as the scriptures say he would.
  12. Francis Drake

    Advice? Prophetic word?

    When the disciples were called, do you think they were free of pride? Look at their arguments as to who was the greatest! Surrender yourself to the Lord and allow him to lead you.
  13. Francis Drake

    The Lord's Voice

    When God says eat more red meat, I'd rather obey him than man. And eating meat is not contrary to God's law at all. In fact we are commanded to eat it. Go look at what God said to Noah. Blessings
  14. Francis Drake

    The Lord's Voice

    I write this from my hospital bed after a massive kidney failure. They told my wife I was dying, but here I am almost ready to go home. (I will add that there was tremendous spiritual warfare on my behalf) One of the things the consultant told me was that my red blood cells were incredibly low...
  15. Francis Drake

    The Lord's Voice

    Occasionally an audible voice. Mostly an inner but clear voice which wasn't mine. You'll laugh at this.- In my engineering business I had an opportunity to buy a piece of equipment that was way beyond my knowledge or experience, -for those in the know, a complete (used) powder coating system...