Recent content by fragilewingz

  1. fragilewingz

    Artistic expressions thread

    Found this article yesterday and was just blown away by her artwork. 10+ Illustrations With Deep Meanings Created By An Artist Struggling With Depression Destinyblue's digital paintings have so much emotion, and she cleverly hides her messages in simple ways. I love how she depicts the eyes-...
  2. fragilewingz

    Artistic expressions thread

    one day, we'll find the peace we seek. one day, God will wipe away all our tears. one day, He will mend our brokeness... on faithful day
  3. fragilewingz

    Artistic expressions thread

    thank u! :relaxed:
  4. fragilewingz

    Artistic expressions thread

    thank u! :relaxed:
  5. fragilewingz

    Artistic expressions thread

    hi @u2spicy . Been really busy preparing for my daughter's 7th birthday (just finished making her Moana costume, invitations, birthday banner and cake toppers last week):dizzy: suuper tired and there's still so much to be done. How are you? This thread is still going strong. I haven't had the...
  6. fragilewingz

    When is the WORST TIME to be single?

    Yeah, pretty much.. hahaha...
  7. fragilewingz

    When is the WORST TIME to be single?

    yupz! which is roughly how old I am today (+/- 2yrs)
  8. fragilewingz

    When is the WORST TIME to be single?

    IMO, its when the people your age/ batch mates/ friends are all in a relationship or getting married... that'll be the worse time to be single....
  9. fragilewingz

    Ask this introvert ANYTHING

    n o problem... welcome to CF! hope u enjoy ur stay with us.. :blush:
  10. fragilewingz

    Please help! Looking for a friend/accountability partner

    hi @Struggling3 i really do hope you read this... i have a Christian whatsapp group for women who are struggling with porn/fapping. if you are still interested in an accountability partner, message me and we will add you to the group. we are passionate in helping each other overcome this...
  11. fragilewingz

    How should I pray?

    pray with the mindset that you u do not Know why things are not going the way ypu planned but knowing with ffull confidence that God's plans are always better and for the best. in one word., pray with FAITH (confidence in God) it would help too to remind yourself of all the good that God has...
  12. fragilewingz

    Is being single a blessing?

    it depends on what you want out of life I guess. at times I think being single is so unfair (coz i'm a hopeless romantic who would rather be in a relationship right now that be alone)... but I've realised that being single is in fact a BLESSING. our lives are lived in phases / certain...
  13. fragilewingz

    Ask this introvert ANYTHING

    hi @Ralf624 I read ur question several times. not sure if i understood it properly, so here goes. i decided to do an AMA on this forum (face the board singles) coz i noticed that previous threads had done it and i thought "why not?" i did it on reddit and the conversations from that...
  14. fragilewingz

    Ask this introvert ANYTHING

    hello @ForeverEternal,... ok fave animals cats (coz their cute calm creatures who just laze around on the couch and love to snuggle next to you) puppies (or any breed of dog that wont grow) panda (coz i'm a fan of bored panda and it just kinda stuck) foxes (coz of the amazing color of their...
  15. fragilewingz

    Ask this introvert ANYTHING

    hi @Rhapsody thanks for the question well, back in high school the only way i could help out was through music when i was still part of the music ministry. i guess there were some other activities then, but only the music stood out to me... Since i was born again 5yrs ago, i have not been...