Recent content by FormerAtheist

  1. FormerAtheist

    Poached turbot with fennel velouté, lemon crust and evolution sauce

    Looks like perfection to me. Like GENIUS. What is not Genius is the organized method that the atheists are employing on this board. It is so obvious. Do you miss your star account? Let me fill you in AV1611VET I did the math on these impressive stats. In order for him to get the stats that...
  2. FormerAtheist

    Could G-d have evolved... while Adam and Eve been created?

    Ill make a prediction this is an atheist in disguise that is trying to put out some sort of trap. Ehhh I'm wrong many times so what do I know?
  3. FormerAtheist

    Evolution Experiment: Creationists, Choose their Fate!

    By the way I do realize that I can be abrasive. And that is why I am completely alone on this forum. And when it comes to my beliefs and views on these matters. I shoot straight. Maybe too straight. Its a weakness. Sometimes can't help it. In the music industry I learned to keep my mouth shut...
  4. FormerAtheist

    Is it true, that particles on their smallest level, seem to pop in and out of existence...?

    I don't think there is any reason to read to much into quantum Physics in your day to day life. For example is the cat alive or dead or both? Stupid. It is alive if you put it in the box and it was alive hahahaha. It always was alive. To read into the macro world what goes on in the quantum is...
  5. FormerAtheist

    Evolution Experiment: Creationists, Choose their Fate!

    Again I will ask you here then to make sure you don't run away from my question. I know this is one you have never been asked. Never had to face. Why don't Atheists Evolve? Why don't you pass on your genes? Why do you commit suicide? Why do you de-evolve down to the lowest common...
  6. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    That's easy you want a positive way out of this ... go have fun in the multi-verse ... or some other multi-demesion theory. that's where everyone else is turning to because we have no other answers. That math is beyond a single "verse" ... "Universe".
  7. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Yes of course the math is the biggest problem you see if we look at the big 4 for evidence we will see serious conflicts in the records but when we look at the math we don't see any conflict it is straight up in your face. It is impossible. To get to a functioning protein fold we would be...
  8. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    I don't follow a religion at this time but am a bit torn about that. But I do find it humorous how the religious were right about so much from the start. I think that is very instructive and should give many a pause in their hubris.
  9. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Ok I am on the road holed up on a hotel because I am down for the count with some kind of flew or something and You want to give me this???? Fine lets do this : retroposition, gene fusion, and fission. However, the process of how a new gene is de novo created from noncoding sequence is largely...
  10. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Tired of this so I must give a link at this point. This section of the site is so not nearly done as a lot of the site because I have a busy life. But yet enough is enough there are only 8 pages that are really many pages each but here is the thing there is so much info that is waiting to be put...
  11. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Wait are you one of those that think Christians have done ... nothing? What sources are you asking for?
  12. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    In that last response I want to say something further. There is a reason why I get angry when people go against Christians. To me its far deeper then personal to me. Its like you are spitting on math or something. To me the math is simple. If we look at what Christians have done since ...
  13. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Uhhh oh. I might have jumped the gun. If so I am sorry I get real testy when people attack Christians. I find it more then someone would find something personal. I don't even know why but it will get me hot and I will respond fast. So if I was wrong I apologize.
  14. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    Oh you criticize ... so easy to do but what have you or any other atheist have come up with that can compare to what the these evil simple minded Christians have done in their existence? Did you Atheists come up with a governing system that would give humans the most freedom ... well humans...
  15. FormerAtheist

    The Science that led me away from Atheism.

    What would be nice is if "improvements keep incrementing" instead we see everyone turning into straight up basket cases. Everyone needed lots and lots of pills and Couche time and every now and again some time with some metal to the head. What is that?? Why is that? Why are kids so messed up...