Recent content by Forealzchola

  1. Forealzchola

    Holy Ghost film...? Criticisms...? Comments...?

    This is awesome to me! I don't know why anyone would have negative to say about this smh.
  2. Forealzchola

    God's provision - More hours at work

    I am in the process of buying a house which is set to be done building probably now at the start of October so I praise God for this. As a single mom being able to afford a brand new house? No one could do this but God! I also too have been getting an increase in hours at work and extra...
  3. Forealzchola

    Energy Healing - Yay or Nay?

    I would advise against energy healing as it can be really dangerous. My sister got into the sort and she ended up becoming demonically oppressed if not demonically possessed. She had witches and spirits contacting her all the time got really bad and she had to seek deliverance and it was...
  4. Forealzchola

    Where are the single christian young men

    because they are surely not at church smh:doh:
  5. Forealzchola

    Is it wrong for a pastor to own nice things and drive really, really nice cars?

    No it is not. Those serving God should have the best
  6. Forealzchola

    if you think about telling a lie..

    Nope. it might be temptation....but if it is not executed it is not a sin and surely not the same. People debate sinning all the time...the battle is standing strong and choosing not to execute or do it ( the act of committing sin)
  7. Forealzchola

    Should a Christian bother with posterior firming exercises?

    It s good to have a nice body too...glorify God in everything you do. Including how you take care of your body and maintain it...God doesn't want us to be fat or tub tubs.
  8. Forealzchola

    Angry and wanting to.backslide

    I have never been abused by family members just boyfriends but thanks
  9. Forealzchola

    Angry and wanting to.backslide

    Been through alot of emotional abuse with men. Almost affected my nursing school. I have little to no faith of finding a guy who is saved. Im just tired i feel like back sliding since it seem like the girls who arent saved get all.the.good guys....just got willing to have sex here and...
  10. Forealzchola

    Good place to meet singles

    ??? And isnt one of them
  11. Forealzchola

    Nursing school getting hard, life distracting

    Please pray for me in the last two weeks of nursing school semester 1. Im in my last class of the semester A&P. Im at 74% and need 75% to pass...I have five more tests to take so my grade can go up alot!! I just pray I can stay focused and retain the information. Thanks.
  12. Forealzchola

    living sexually pure in a society such as this

    How do live sexually pure in a society such as has been my experience that everyone single saved and unsaved are into sex .....maybe. just not full on vaginal if you are a Christian. I really don't get this and now most young men don't even want to get married. God has got to know how...
  13. Forealzchola

    NEW life in Korea

    Praying that God goes before you and guides your footsteps. God bless brother.
  14. Forealzchola

    How to cease being angry with God

    I was angry at God too recently because many times I feel its not that we are angry at God for whats going on, but we are waiting on God to turn our situation around. I ask Him to forgive me when I calm down and thank Him for the good that is going on and for what Hes done and for what he will...
  15. Forealzchola

    Confused and stuck

    If you have some christian friends who can introduce you to a single christian man friend of theirs, this could be a good idea. I just tried this recently and we shall see how this goes. I have alot of men approach me but none have never been saved.