Recent content by followeroftimes

  1. F

    Greeters Annex - fellowship for greeters and newbies (4)

    I Found Jesus Metal Detecting - YouTube Hi im new here and wanted to share how i found jesus recently :)
  2. F

    King David's palace discovered!

    wierd that a kind had a book re-written to what he wanted it to say. that takes away from the faith i think. blessings.
  3. F

    King David's palace discovered!

    what are your thoughts on this read?
  4. F

    Pope Francis offers Reduced Time in Purgatory

    sorry, im just a 5 year old no offence to anyone, just a little laugh i had. blessings
  5. F

    Pope Francis offers Reduced Time in Purgatory

    i guess im a little kid, when i first read this i thought it said poop not pope. lol
  6. F

    Is the new world order upon us?

    no offense, i just think thats funny. i pray either way.
  7. F

    Cape Canaveral Delta IV launch.

    I wish i could have seen just 1 launch!!
  8. F

    Cape Canaveral Delta IV launch.

    I like space related stuff. reminds me how little we really are :)
  9. F

    Prophecy of Judgment on America (Dr. Owuor)

    cool post thanks for the entertainment.