Recent content by FenderTL5

  1. FenderTL5

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    Well it's linked in the sidebar.
  2. FenderTL5

    Trump campaign announces over $50 million in fundraising after NY criminal trial verdict

    Yet you are not surprised, in fact you rush to defend and support one who is narcissitic, greedy, boastful and proud, slanderous, who admittedly lacks self-control when it comes to beautiful women, has commited fraud and is now a felon, when Christians are told to avoid such* people. I found it...
  3. FenderTL5

    Trump campaign announces over $50 million in fundraising after NY criminal trial verdict

    I wonder how much of these donations go to campaigning and how much will go to legal defense?
  4. FenderTL5

    Hush money trial - or ... business records trial -- just the facts please

    It wouldn't be extortion in a catch & kill scenario because the transaction is being initiated by those doing the catching and killing. Trump is no victim, unless he's a victim of his own scheme.
  5. FenderTL5

    The Catholic Church used to teach There is no salvation outside of it.. not being taught by the Vatican today

    The Apostles/Scripture teaches to confess our sins to one another (James). The Church has considered confession to Priest/Confessor as adhering to that Scriptural criteria. Although, some have seen that as a public confession to the whole congregation. Private confession is also encouraged (and...
  6. FenderTL5

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    Christ is indeed the head of the Church and the Church is His body on earth. To place your individual interpretation(s) above that of the Church is to esteem yourself above Christ Himself.
  7. FenderTL5

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    For determinist/fatalists, yes, that's exactly what it means.
  8. FenderTL5

    Did John write the book of John? Or did Lazarus? I think Lazarus.

    This can be a true statement. If you do your own personal interpretation of Holy Scripture you are also prone to error, maybe even moreso (2 Peter 1:20). speaking of individual interpretation, that is an agreeable statement. That is why we rely on ~2000 years of collective Orthodoxy.
  9. FenderTL5


  10. FenderTL5

    The scariest thing about God

    I would tend to think that there's no authority that is higher than God making requirement(s) on God as you suggest below God is soveriegn, meaning there is no appeal that is higher. If God chooses to forgive, then there's nothing that can require otherwise.
  11. FenderTL5

    Why Everyone Needs An AR-15

    OTOH, you do see/hear broad support of increased safety measures to prevent injuries and death(s). Licensing (with a written and road test prior) is a requirement, as is registration with an annual renewal. At the minimum there's liability insurance. I'd be agreeable to implementing some of...
  12. FenderTL5

    Biden - It's not Easter! It's Transgender Day!

    That's correct it doesn't. Nor does Easter have anything to do with March 31st. Was Easter March 31st last year? How about the year prior or the year prior to that? You do understand how the Roman Catholic Church sets the celebration of Easter, yes, no, maybe? That day was also set aside on...
  13. FenderTL5

    What are your thoughts on Trump: 2016 versus today? Poll

    In 2016 I considered Trump to be an immoral, unethical businessman who had proven he was unfit for office with his repeated immoralities, bankruptcies and fraud. Given everything that has transpired since he was elected then subsequently voted out of office; there is only one word that comes to...
  14. FenderTL5

    Donald Trumps new add.......Not bad!

    IMHO, It plays like a parody of a movie trailer on Saturday Night Live. It would be mildly humerous as satire. That some would take it seriously is disturbing.