Recent content by Emerald518

  1. E

    Matthew 7:13-14 and evangelizing

    Lately, I've been struggling with the teaching in scripture that most of humanity will not be saved, and it honestly makes me want to give up.....if most of humanity is going to hell, then why should we spread the gospel or evangelize? If God already knows how many people are going to be saved...
  2. E

    Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven

    I've been praying about this for awhile, but just now getting close enough to God to where I think I can hear Him. This morning, I did, and when I got close enough, I felt the deepest, most aching, searing agony in my heart that one could imagine just come over me....she's not there...I'm pretty...
  3. E

    Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven

    I don't know, honestly...she may have in her younger days, but I don't know...kind of hoping that if she didn't, she had a deathbed conversion...after all, God did allow her to be revived after being dead for an hour, and she did live long enough for me to tell her about Jesus one last time...I...
  4. E

    Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven

    Thank you, this comforts me a's just, how do I know she really did? My own experiences tell me about Matthew 7:21-23, which also causes me distress, because not all faith is genuine, saving faith....I just don't know...
  5. E

    Not sure if my grandmother is in Heaven

    Hi all, feel free toremove if in the wrong spot. Four years ago on the 14th, my grandmother, whom I loved very much, passed away. She also died in a time when I was away from God and I lament not being a better witness to her while she was alive. My mother's best friend, who has been my mom's...
  6. E

    Scared to come out as Catholic to my sister

    Not Catholic, but hope I can provide some help here. One of the unfortunate things of the Gospel is that, yes, we will be hated and even persecuted for following Jesus because the world hates Him and we will lose fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, etc....but Jesus also says that anyone who...
  7. E

    Worried about deceased loved ones...

    Thank you all for your comforting words...just wanted to give an update as well as a sort of praise report about my situation regarding one of these people that I've been worrying about...God has answered my prayers about them in a way that is undeniably clear to me about where they ended up and...
  8. E

    Worried about deceased loved ones...

    Hi all, guess I'll post this here, feel free to redirect if not in the right place... So, if anyone on here knows my story, I was really "on it" with God in the beginning of my walk, but ended up making some mistakes thinking I was doing what He was asking of me when He wasn't and ended up...
  9. E

    Had a dream....could it have been from God?

    Thanks all...after thinking about it carefully, I think this was just one of those dreams where my mind was processing through things I've been thinking about lately, nothing special. However, I have had at least one instance of an authentic dream from God, but that one wasn't like this.
  10. E

    Had a dream....could it have been from God?

    Ok, so I know dreams are kind of an "iffy" area in theology, so keeping that in mind here. Four years ago, right before Christmas in 2019, I lost my grandmother, whom I was very close to, to a sudden illness, she was 88. That was during a time in my life when I wasn't walking with God, and...
  11. E


    Going to use my own personal testimony to answer this one... I decided to follow Christ in 2013 after a series of events turned my life upside down, leaving me broken and wanting answers. I then spent the next two years being spiritually, mentally-emotionally and psychologically abused and...
  12. E

    Is there ever impossibility of salvation? (Long post)

    Hebrews 6:4-6, while it does teach about salvation, means something entirely different than what I think you're taking it to mean. This passage talks about unsaved people who God had brought to the point of realizing their need for salvation, but who rejected that conviction, turned away and...
  13. E

    Telling God you'll do something for Him

    Thank you, this makes a lot of sense...I've been kind of realizing lately that back there, while I was saved and knew I was undoubtedly, I wasn't really following Jesus Himself as closely as I should have, but rather laws, commandments, rules and doctrine. I was very legalistic as a new believer...
  14. E

    Telling God you'll do something for Him

    Hi all. This is a topic that I'm really interested in discussing, as it's been on my mind a lot today lately... When I first became a Christian, one of the things I was really hyperfixated on was not being a hypocrite because of a specific ministry I believed God had called me to. I knew that...
  15. E

    I am afraid to return to God...

    Hi everyone... I was hoping someone could help me, because I'm in a bad spot right now....long story short, I walked away from God in 2015 after some really traumatic things happened to me right after I got saved that were mostly my fault. It was awful to have the things happen to me that did...