Recent content by Dwylcs

  1. D

    Since works can't save us anyways, why not sin?

    I thought your original post showed a lot of maturity. It was so refreshing to hear someone say how much 'God is hurt'. Therefore I thought it was safe to broach this side of the matter as well, because I feel it is further incentive to avoid 'sinning', for the mistreatment of others ought to...
  2. D

    Since works can't save us anyways, why not sin?

    By all accounts I am a really lovely, gentle, gracious and very understanding man. So I am told. Have no fear What say you, amenkid777? …
  3. D

    Since works can't save us anyways, why not sin?

    Does it hurt God a lot how Christians treat one another? …
  4. D

    I'm worthless and don't deserve God's grace *triggering*

    He was the determinant in the matter. (according to your post) It's vital to dispassionately establish and reinforce this fact first. Then build from there. …
  5. D

    I never knew you, Depart from me!

    It's so important how we treat one another. The Lord so completely and thoroughly identifies himself with the most impoverished of hearts, those even the Church often despise. The Jews waited thousands of years for their Messiah, and the first thing he mentions in the Sermon on the Mount, is...
  6. D

    Pre-tribulation Rapture Believers Safe House

    Morally and legally defensible: and it also discharges the obligation of governmental propriety. There are two types of governments in question here to compare - the Beasts, which is absolute, unconditional etc. God's, which is a government of motive - not force. The first demands and forces...
  7. D

    What is wrong with me?

    . Matt 5:4 "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." …
  8. D

    What is wrong with me?

    Self-respect is the linchpin to life, if you can't respect yourself you can't properly respect others. If you can't feel sorry for yourself you can't properly feel sorry for others. Keep your heart with all diligence - really respect it, and your hurts. There may be many times of sorrow for...
  9. D

    A Short History of the Doctrine of a Rapture before the Great Tribulation

    Biblewriter, There seems to be a continual demand for 'explicitness' as far as Scriptures concerning the Rapture. To be fair, are there explicit Scriptures in the Bible predicting the Ascension of Christ? (any in the Gospels would only be generally known after being published subsequent to the...
  10. D

    Jesus only gone for 2 days = 2000 years

    It's going to be poured out on all flesh - this hasn't happened yet. …
  11. D

    Jesus only gone for 2 days = 2000 years

    A natural, and very understandable response. When this event happens Christians will be saying 'Wow! We never had this before.' The idea of 'new wineskins' is the final sanctification, for Christians still struggle with the flesh lusting against the spirit, and vice verse, which prevents...
  12. D

    Heaven, Hell, and ...?

    That's good! ……… just think, if those who had a greater start than we did are still mercifully preached to then it bodes a lot better for people than we think. Let's be honest though, nobody knows what was preached by Jesus, nor for that matter the end of all things. We can't take the judgment...
  13. D

    Heaven, Hell, and ...?

    This might help: For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; 1 Peter 3:18-20 …
  14. D

    Jesus only gone for 2 days = 2000 years

    What is going to happen is not inconsistent at all with that. See: 2 Peter 1:19 - Acts 2:17 - Rev 2:17 …
  15. D

    Jesus only gone for 2 days = 2000 years

    I agree with this wholeheartedly - all those steps during our walk and the struggles, all are commendable and legitimate. I agree with verses which Bethwhite wrote - when I implied that I didn't agree, I meant that that was not the full picture. There have been millions of followers of the...