Recent content by DragonFox91

  1. DragonFox91

    Bible Verses

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1 NIV
  2. DragonFox91

    The Goodness of God

    Was listening to a sermon on 1 Corinthians ‘one body many parts’. Each child of God has their role to play, the "smallest" to the "greatest". Praise the Lord!
  3. DragonFox91

    Bible Verses

    And God blessed them, and God said unto them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it" Genesis 1 Jubilee Bible
  4. DragonFox91

    Church History Thread

    I remember finding a site once that listed all the writings from church leaders between Acts & when most say Catholocism truly got going. It's more than you think, but it really is not a lot for basically 200-300 years. There are a few 'church fathers' who wrote a lot.
  5. DragonFox91

    What's on your mind?

    I see 'if you're ugly, you're more liberal, if you're pretty, you're more conservative' everywhere. I'm not sure where people get this idea from. A lot of (what the world calls) good-looking & pretty people are very liberal. They rely on their looks & think their looks are what matters. They...
  6. DragonFox91

    How's your 30 something going?

    The past year has been good. Winters are hard tho! (not the cold, get upset) If you are saved: You have eternal life to the glory of God.
  7. DragonFox91

    The Goodness of God

    If all but one person in the world disagreed with God’s truths & one did not, the one person would be right & God would call that person his friend. Be wary of mob rule. It’s the sign you used to see in elementary schools: “What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always...
  8. DragonFox91

    Bible Verses

    Usually I post verses that have come from sermons, books, or parts of the Bible I’ve been reading on my own but this one was on my mind a lot yesterday when I started thinking a lot how bad the world really is & how the world tends to downplay their sin: Be of good cheer; I have overcome the...
  9. DragonFox91

    Church History Thread

    The site you send me GotQuestions is a good starting point. Read thru that. Go back & re-read it if you did already, & go back & re-re-read if you did that already! I’ve found it’s usually best to research by topic. Use Google to type into questions like “what did Augustine believe about...
  10. DragonFox91

    What Did You Learn In Church Today?

    5/5/24 am on Pslm 136 “His steadfast love endures forever” - Pslm 136 Remember: Repetition. Easy to turn to selfishness & ungodliness away from the Lord. There is backlash for standing up for righteousness & speaking against sin, but don’t be deceived. Lies: “It’s not a big deal.” “I’ll ask for...
  11. DragonFox91

    Bible Verses

    Peter told him, "May your silver be destroyed with you, because you thought you could obtain the gift of God with money!...........Your heart is not right before God.............Repent............You are poisoned by bitterness" Acts 8 Christian Standard Bible
  12. DragonFox91

    The Goodness of God

    Last night too!
  13. DragonFox91

    What's on your mind?

    Wow! That's amazing. Praise the Lord. You're only one in pastor office in this section here I think
  14. DragonFox91

    The Goodness of God

    Those who deny God as he’s revealed himself aren’t just the atheists w/ the megaphone on the corner – they have power in churches. Deny his miracles, Jesus's divinity, his authority & soverignty, etc. There's a lot of false teachers out there. Many times it's not so obvious. They may say a Creed...
  15. DragonFox91

    Church History Thread

    "Let Scripture be our umpire" - Gregory of Nyssa I was wanting to post quotes so there's one. :)