Recent content by DougTheBicycle

  1. D

    I Require Assistance!!!

    I prefer to love both. I feel like God doesn't want us to love him and absolutely no one else. That would defeat the purpose of creating us.
  2. D

    Please I'm begging you to reply to my thread! (HOCD)

    Having homosexual thoughts is a natural, normal thing. If you feel the desire to act on them, good on ya! Go for it! If you don't, well that's just fine, too. Life is about figuring out who we are, and being comfortable with ourselves. The only way to do that is to explore, and figure it all...
  3. D

    I am 22, Bisexual, living with my girlfriend, and have kept the faith for my entire life. AMA!

    Sorry for the long title! As it says, I was raised Christian, and about a year ago realized I am bisexual. I moved in with my girlfriend earlier this year, and we're still going strong! 4 year anniversary this Friday, actually... Anywho! Ask Me Anything!
  4. D

    Have you felt God leading you up to this point?

    I believe that He prefers not to interfere with our day-to-day living. He can gently push things our way, and we can make decisions based on that. But directly causing something to happen? Nah. I dunno what I'd do if I thought I wasn't in control of my own life and future.
  5. D

    What do you believe are sinful?

    1. A person covered in tattoos and piercings: Most certainly not! 2. A person who engages in sexual activity before marriage: Nah. 3. A person who smokes cigarettes and/or drinks alcohol: I HOPE not... 4. Homosexuals: Haha! No. 5. Abortion: Negative Ghost Rider. 6. Greed: Abhorrent and an...
  6. D

    What does YOUR username mean?

    Well, my name is Doug, and the bicycle part is twofold. 1. I enjoy mountain biking, and just riding around in general. 2. Bisexuality is a cycle, and sometimes the attraction to one sex or another fluxuates. Also motorcycles.
  7. D

    Introduce Yourself (2)

    Hello! I'm Doug! I'm 22, and frozen in Wisconsin! I enjoy, reading, writing, video games, mountain biking, boxing, and a plethora of other things. If you have any dire, pressing questions about me, ask away!
  8. D

    I Require Assistance!!!

    Bout that.... I mean, I'm not CURRENTLY.
  9. D

    I Require Assistance!!!

    It's easy. God says he loves us and forgives us our sins. Jesus died for our sins on the cross. I've been with my girlfriend for the last 4.5 years, and will marry her as soon as we're in a stable enough position to do so. I believe in a God that loves us all, exactly how he created us. Because...
  10. D

    I Require Assistance!!!

    Okay, so here's the dealio. I'm looking for a Church/Denomination/Congregation/Christian Social Group to belong to. I follow the word of God, our father and the teachings of Jesus Christ our lord and savior. But I'm also a forward thinking liberal hippie. I live with my girlfriend of four years...
  11. D

    I Am Here

    Hello everyone! My name is DougTheBicycle (Doug for short.) I am a 22 year old male living in that tundra known as Wisconsin. I'm currently going to school for my English degree (I've already got a welding degree so all my schooling years are messed up) and plan on being an English teacher one...