Recent content by DavidSkate

  1. DavidSkate

    Anyone reading Jesus > Religion?

    I would love to get a group of people together and go over the discussion questions after each chapter. If you've never heard of this book, I highly recommend it! Jefferson Bethke is best known for his YouTube video "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus."
  2. DavidSkate

    Love EVERYONE in Heaven?

  3. DavidSkate

    My brain gets in the way of my heart

    My best friend is female and I am male. We started our friendship with a mutual attraction of one another. She is Christian and at the time, I was not. We started to become cuddle buddies and it was just that cuddling and kissing. One day it all abruptly stopped after we both realized that if we...
  4. DavidSkate

    Skateboarding? Anyone wood pushers here?

    Any skaters for Christ here?
  5. DavidSkate

    Christian metal, post some songs/videos.

    If you haven't heard the new song by For Today called Crown of Thorns you must give it a try. I would say hands down the best Christian metal song I have ever heard.
  6. DavidSkate

    Love EVERYONE in Heaven?

    I personally do not think that is enough to enter heaven. Repenting out of fear is not the same as repenting out of love.
  7. DavidSkate

    Love EVERYONE in Heaven?

    Who's to say you will get into heaven if you don't forgive and find peace in someone here on earth before your worldly death? Mark 12:31 "The second is this, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." This life is about living to the...
  8. DavidSkate

    How do you stay humble being single?

    I have my moments of being happily single and then those moments where I find myself watching a Golden Girls marathon while eating Oreos and having a glass of wine... I know it's not the manliest thing ever but it happens. Lately when I find that the Golden Girls aren't on, I'll turn to my...
  9. DavidSkate

    I've got tattoos and gauged ears... Ask me anything.

    From personal experiences, I do have a few tattoos that I feel will not help me with the career path I would like to be on (child mentor). Make sure it is what you want and is something that people around you will not question you as a Christian. The only way to prepare for a tattoo is to have...
  10. DavidSkate

    To use or not to use online dating?

    First I would like to say that I've been single for about two years now after my ex-fiancé decided she wanted her career instead of a family. This is after 4.5 years of a relationship, a year into planning a wedding, 6 months away from the wedding, and one day after picking up her wedding dress...
  11. DavidSkate

    To use or not to use online dating?

    Congrats! And thanks for the advice!
  12. DavidSkate

    I've got tattoos and gauged ears... Ask me anything.

    I am a 25 year old newly committed follower of Jesus Christ. I have 10 tattoos and my ears are gauged to 5/8. I consider myself a good example to young men due to what I have been through and where I want to be not only with my faith, but also with the life path God is pulling me to. Ask Away!
  13. DavidSkate

    To use or not to use online dating?

    I am also a 25 year old fully committed follower of Jesus. I have tried the dating sites and my area is not good for what I am looking for. Proverbs 31:30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. The pastor at the church I attend had a...
  14. DavidSkate

    What's Your Favourite Bible Verse?

    Exactly mine! Haha and I am partial to Ephesians 2:8 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.