Recent content by DavidMark

  1. DavidMark

    Greetings from an atheist :-)

    Beautiful. You've got some good stories!
  2. DavidMark

    Greetings from an atheist :-)

    Courtesy of the Navy of course, I remember Mexico very well. Some other islands in the Carribean where we had liberty, I also remember with great affection. I was young, and I mostly ventured out by myself without a care in the world. It was peace time, I had food, lodging, cash in my wallet...
  3. DavidMark

    Greetings from an atheist :-)

    Thank you for that. I was 19 years old when I joined the military. I was amazed how easy it was for me to make friends compared to high school. I got to travel many places foreign and domestic. Images are burned into my brain from the places I visited.
  4. DavidMark

    Worldly Entertainment

    When I am at church and the leadership "tells" me that we will now worship, it doesn't matter what the song is, I become paralysed. I just cannot be told when, why or how to worship, I never have and never will and I have tried with all my heart to "fix this" resistance in me. I cannot fully...
  5. DavidMark

    Who were the 144,000

    This is the context that gives me comfort and eases my anxiety. I began to meditate on this understanding after reading Mr. William Milligan's, a Scottish Theologian. I read his comments in The Expositor's Bible which was introduced approximately 1889. Thank you for posting those words.
  6. DavidMark

    Greetings from an atheist :-)

    It's nice to meet you. I am also new here :cool: What is it like living in Belgium? I've never been there. Have you ever been to the US?
  7. DavidMark

    Hello, I am from Columbia, South Carolina

    It's a pleasure to meet a neighbor! :cool:
  8. DavidMark

    Hello, I am from Columbia, South Carolina

    Thank everyone for the welcome!
  9. DavidMark

    Hello, I am from Columbia, South Carolina

    Hello folks, My name is David and I am from the Midlands of South Carolina. Columbia is the Capital with rich history. Many parks in the area have Civil War history and when roaming the parks, the imagination can really be exercised. I am a veteran of the Navy and I have been fortunate to be...