Recent content by D'Ann

  1. D'Ann

    Apparently War Is No Big Deal Anymore

    This whole thing leaves me numb inside. Okay, let me see if I got this right... over 4 years ago, we had presidential candidates promising to get us out of this Iraq etc war thing... but now, in 2014, we are not only involved with this conflict with Iraq and Iran, but now we are attacking...
  2. D'Ann

    Do you believe the world will end in the next 15 years?

    Who Knows? I don't... if it ends... wow... what a ride of nonsensical misery and joy all at the same time... frankly, I don't give a rat's but... lol If I had a 401 k plan... yup.. you could have it. LOL Good luck with that. And well, honestly, if the it ends in 15 years or so... I probably...
  3. D'Ann

    Please Pray

    I've missed you and so many here. HUGS It's been a bit, ya know, emotional. I pray you have been okay.
  4. D'Ann

    We celebrated the feast day for Santa Claus today

    Traditions, they build loving and sweet memories... It's always good to honor those traditions... God's peace, Debbie
  5. D'Ann

    Question on Catholic Theology , for a very knowledgable Catholic please

    Define your terminalogy. My husband taught me that misunderstandings are because people don't understand each other's definitions of their terminalogy. If you are here to sincerely understand and learn, there are good and kind... knowledgable Christians here to help you with that... but if a...
  6. D'Ann

    Please Pray

    Jim... Praying for her... with all of my heart for healing. May God's grace, strength, and love be with you and her and family.
  7. D'Ann

    Reload this Page Pope Francis I: A Friend to the Orthodox?

    It would be a blessing to have unity among the "lungs" of the Church. We all could benefit from this unity in a time of turmoil, heartache and pain and diversion. It would be a blessing. But Rome and the Pope will have to be the Papa of this Church and it's unity. That cannot be...
  8. D'Ann

    The Skiing Pope

    I agree. I was watching the news and they mentioned that he enjoyed skiing and hockey and that he had a girlfriend. I thought, cool... except, well, not sure about the girlfriend thing. I think that he "had" a girlfriend in the past tense is something that I missed. LOL Anyway, I think he...
  9. D'Ann

    Pope Francis: No communion for pro-abortion politicians

    Amen. If only there was a way in which politicians could be true to their faith and be strong for pro-life in it's fullness, and yet be able to do the good things that they desire to do. I truly believe that some politicians really do desire to serve the people and do right by them and also do...
  10. D'Ann

    Sufferings I offer up that probably shouldn't be considered sufferings.

    Good luck with that... scooping. Thank you for the above information. Maybe I got confused with his wife passing on... not sure what confused me... just confused. lol. :)
  11. D'Ann

    Sufferings I offer up that probably shouldn't be considered sufferings.

    That is a good thing that your husband is open-minded and is asking questions. The true challenge is in knowing how to answer his questions. That to me would beIn difficult. In-laws are family and one has to be very careful and gentle when it comes to family. Another challenge to pray...
  12. D'Ann

    Sufferings I offer up that probably shouldn't be considered sufferings.

    I'm pleasantly glad to be wrong. I thought he did pass away... I've always liked him and in so many ways, he helped to spread the gospel, even though, I don't agree with his theology, I did see Christ in him... working in helping others. I always admired him for that. I'm glad he is still...
  13. D'Ann

    Sufferings I offer up that probably shouldn't be considered sufferings.

    Billy Graham has passed on. I don't recall him being anti-Catholic, but then, when I was at one of his services... I wasn't Catholic. Billy Graham seemed to be global in his sermons. There are a lot of anti-Catholic preachers though... especially on TV and it would be easy to confuse them...
  14. D'Ann

    Sufferings I offer up that probably shouldn't be considered sufferings.

    I get it... my dad told me about 2 months ago that I was basically going to hell because I refused to pigeon hole Christ on a date of His return... I understand. All I could do was pray. That is all we can do... really is pray and not allow our own faith to falter or lose our peace of mind...