Recent content by d taylor

  1. d taylor

    Which denomination is the right one?

    - ...I will say concerning, when it comes to what a person must do or believe to receive God's free gift of Eternal Life and become a permanent born again child of God. ...Free grace has the most accurate teachings in this area. ...They rightly divide what a person must believe in to...
  2. d taylor

    Fear Not of the End Times

    - We are not in the actual end times because i am still on earth, along with all the other born again children of God, When we are taken away, then the 7 year tribulation is not far away. So for born again believers in Jesus there should be no fear, but sadly there is.
  3. d taylor

    What are your favorite flowers?

    - Cosmos (wildflower), i plant them in my front yard every year, They will bloom all summer long and bees, butterflies, etc.. love them.
  4. d taylor

    Are these the last days?

    - We have been in the last days since Jesus went back to heaven. But are we at the door of the 7 year tribulation. Which will be the last days of satan's presence on earth deceiving people. Except for the short time he is allowed at the end of the 1000 year millennium rule of The Messiah. Are...
  5. d taylor

    They Taught The People, And Preached In Jesus The Resurrection Of The Dead

    - The reason the resurrection is preached is because this points to Jesus being The Son of God/The promised Messiah. So people can believe Jesus is who He stated He is. Which is the resurrection and the life, The Promised Messiah/Son of God. So the person will believe in Jesus for God's free...
  6. d taylor

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    - Love is not a condition, how can love be a condition for an unbeliever. Love is something that will grow in a believer after they have believed in Jesus. That is will grow, if they are properly taught and disciple shipped and develop a relationship with God Love is something that may...
  7. d taylor

    Why Do Christians Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

    - A complete opposite to this age and the way the earth and people of the earth is rule by man. This age corruption, murder, lies, aborted babies, babies born with birth defects or babies dying at or after birth. The treatment of the animals God has created and the treatment of the earth...
  8. d taylor

    Flat Earthers: What They Believe and Why

    - I believe the earth originally was created a single circular pieces of land/ground surrounded by the seas. This land/ground is or was, as now the land ground has been broken up or divided as states in The Bible in English. To Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg, for in his...
  9. d taylor

    How would you define trust and faith in regards to being saved?

    - It is simple God states to receive His free gift of Eternal Life, believe in Jesus. So believe what about Jesus, believe that Jesus is who He states He is in The Bible. Which is the resurrection and the life, The promised Messiah/Son of God* *Messiah and Son of God are saying the same...
  10. d taylor

    Why Do Christians Believe in Conspiracy Theories?

    - Satan is the god of this age. So satan is a liar and deceiver, most everything now in this age is a lie. Even many conspiracy theories are satanic deceptions (aliens, etc..). This is in contrast to the future rule on earth by The Messiah, The Kingdom of God. Which will be a rule of perfect...
  11. d taylor

    Unforgivable sins?

    - There are zero unforgivable sins, relating to a sin that would cause a person to end up in the lake of fire.
  12. d taylor

    Who was Elijah ?

    - Elijah was taken up into the sky or 1st heaven, he was not taken from this life. He was transported to another place on earth, like Phillip was. This person explains this here so i do not have to type a lot Where did Elijah go?
  13. d taylor

    Windows of Heaven and the Firmament

    - The raqia is the sky above our heads, also is known as the 1st heaven
  14. d taylor

    Great Music from the 70's

    - 700 WLW out of Cincinnati could be heard in South America. Briefly, during the Second World War, WLW’s high-power transmitters were switched on again for war transmission. The broadcasts from Ohio could be heard as far away as South America and Europe. For a Brief Time in the 1930s, Radio...
  15. d taylor

    And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth.

    - It is known that you have a low view of The Bible and see it as a product of man. Nothing else to really to discuss, you have your beliefs; in which, I in no way share.