Recent content by CoreyD

  1. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    Can you show me where that is writen in scripture? Can you show me where that is writen in scripture? You were not referring to the Lord's day in your expressions?
  2. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    Definitely. However, I hope that's not to say, "We can choose to understand the scriptures anyway we like, even if what we understand does not agree with what the scriptures actually say.", because that would not be showing oneself humble, or teachable - qualities required to be drawn by God...
  3. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    I did a little visual @Jan001, so that you can gat a better look at the problems.
  4. CoreyD

    Revelation 20 and the so-called millennial reign

    Or, only his tail is bound, but everything else is loose. :D
  5. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    Thanks. Jan001 said: John did not write a prophecy about measuring a temple that was to be built thousands of years in the future; he wrote a prophecy that was soon to take place. CoreyD said: When you say "a prophecy that was soon to take place", do you mean after mid 60 A.D.? Jan001 said...
  6. CoreyD

    Cursed by parents = Doomed?

    Hi @BrokenContriteHeart. II was reading Ezekiel 18, yesterday, and I was really appreciative of how God gave his view, which many felt was not right. Perhaps you can read it. It basically says that God sees each person as they are, and judges them according to what they are, and not based on...
  7. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    Okay, so you don't believe the Lord's day started yet, but would you mind answering the other question Jan?
  8. CoreyD

    Being depressed and sad in church and how to deal with people

    What you say is so true. Unfortunately, many people, because of our human nature, and where we came from, tend to think you are weird, or something is wrong with you, when you "don't fit in", or prefer to be by yourself. They don't try to reach out to you, but want you to reach out to them...
  9. CoreyD

    Being depressed and sad in church and how to deal with people

    Thanks for sharing this. You may probably think I do not understand what you are going through, but I do. I grew up feeling the same way. It's not uncommon. In fact, many persons grow up with these same feelings. Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint where, or why these feelings arise. What can help...
  10. CoreyD

    Followers of Christ United

    Since I am not pretending, nor being dishonest, then it's not me who is not interested in discussion. As before... I hope you have a good day. I leave you my peace.
  11. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    So you believe the Lord's day began in 70 A.D., and the Devil was therefore bound after 70 A.D.?
  12. CoreyD

    The 1,000 Year Judgment & Beyond

    When you say "a prophecy that was soon to take place", do you mean after mid 60 A.D.?
  13. CoreyD

    Followers of Christ United

    Here, I asked what you meant by saved, and you never did answer me, so I do not know what you are asking me. If you explain what you mean by saved, then I will understand the question, and be able to give an answer.
  14. CoreyD

    I wish I were a believer, but...

    Welcome. An atheist don't want to be a Christian. Not even an agnostic wants to be a Christian. Only believers in Jesus Christ want to be Christian. True as John 3:16. I am quite creative myself. Have a good time. :)
  15. CoreyD

    Followers of Christ United

    Therefore your pledge to God is not necessary for salvation. Yet you saw the need to make one. Thank you for your sharing your views on this. I hope you have a good day. I leave you my peace.