Recent content by Citanul

  1. Citanul

    How do you feel being a mature single at church?

    It's not just phones and stranger danger. Many women are tired of cold approaches from complete strangers when they're going about their everyday business. It's not that they don't want to meet someone, just not like that. But there definitely are women who want men to approach them and the...
  2. Citanul

    "Singleness is a gift" is actually a lie?

    Churches aren't very good at dealing with singles/young adults. They put a lot of focus on families, so they have things in place for children and parents, but seem to forget that there's a stage in between those two. By ignoring those people who will eventually become the parents in the...
  3. Citanul

    What is the main reason you are single?

    I'm a textbook definition of an introvert, i.e. I find too much social interaction exhausting. As a result, I tend to keep to myself a lot, and not putting yourself out there is a guaranteed way of drastically reducing your chances of meeting anyone.
  4. Citanul

    What's on your mind?

    There's a bit more to incel than that. It's a term given to an online subculture which frequently expresses very negative views about women. That doesn't mean that the label isn't at times misapplied, but it's usually not used simply as an insult but rather as a criticism of things a person may...
  5. Citanul

    What's on your mind?

    I can't claim to speak with a great deal of authority as I don't have a lot of dating experience, but I've always found it to be the case that discussions about things like being a "kissless virgin" don't come up in the early stages of dating. It's the sort of thing you only start talking about...
  6. Citanul

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    I haven't tried any filters on the dating apps I use because you have to pay for that, but I'm assuming they work as intended i.e. you don't get to see anyone who doesn't meet the selected criteria. The only potential shortcoming I can see is that they might also exclude anyone who hasn't...
  7. Citanul

    Has Music Been 'Dumbed Down' in the 21st Century?

    Bruce Springsteen is a rock singer for whom telling stories with his lyrics is key aspect of his music. Miley Cyrus is a pop singer who makes catchy but ultimately disposable songs. Of course Springsteen's song would be more complex lyrically. That's a flawed comparison made only to prove a...
  8. Citanul

    Speed dating

    Speed dating wouldn't work for me because I'm not a great conversationalist in person. I'm not good at coming up with things to say when put on the spot, so it takes time for me to develop any sort of rapport with somebody, time which I would have in speed dating. Also, as someone who is very...
  9. Citanul

    Hit the wall

    I'm 45 and I find women in their 40s to still be attractive. Sure they don't look like they did in their 20s, but neither do I. And I don't believe that guys my age or older who still want kids either have really through it through or are expecting the woman to do all the work. Do they really...
  10. Citanul

    What's on your mind?

    And the eclipse is only happening in one part of the world. It can't be a sign of anything if the majority of the world's population won't notice it at all.
  11. Citanul

    Boyfriend/girlfriend stage not legit?

    I'm in complete agreement with you. To go straight from single to betrothed seems ridiculous. Surely there needs to be a transition period between those two states.