Recent content by Chowder17

  1. Chowder17

    Pls pray for for me to be strong enough not to continue with my affair

    Thank you so much for your prayers, support and encouragement. I know it will definately help, I beleive in the power of prayer! XoXo
  2. Chowder17

    Pls pray for for me to be strong enough not to continue with my affair

    I have been unfaithful to my husband and engaged in an affair for almost a year now. I have tried to end the affair multiple times but am not sucessful as I am sucked right back in... Both me and the other person have strong feelings for eachother and when I think of completely cutting him out...
  3. Chowder17

    Do soulmates exist? How do you know if someones your soulmate?

    Do soulmates exist? How do you know if someones your soulmate?
  4. Chowder17

    Affair changed my life drastically!

    Ill try not to make this too lengthy. I have been majorly struggling since September of 2011. My husband has been addicted to video games and making videos on youtube for years. He was neglectful and gave me about 10 minutes of his time a day but only when I complained that he never gave me...
  5. Chowder17

    TFP Shoot in California

    Hi, Im looking to update my portfolio. Are there any photographers in California interested in doing a TFP shoot?
  6. Chowder17

    Can someone interpret the meaning of my dream?

    Last night while taking a short nap, I had a strange dream... I know I was outdoors somewhere, GOD spoke to me and said it was my time and HE was taking me. I was fearful knowing this was to be my last day on Earth and soon felt my spirit leaving my body upward and everything went void, blank...
  7. Chowder17

    Can somebody make sense of this?

    Aww, thank you so much itaf! I love your answer and it was really encouraging and made a lot of sense. Ill do as you did and re-read through those scriptures.
  8. Chowder17

    Can somebody make sense of this?

    Can somebody make sense of this? I'm going through a difficult and trying time, I find myself doubting and questioning GOD like never before. I know this is due to my sin, I've done something not too long ago I can't forgive myself for. I know that the GODly will say I'm forgiven, that GOD has...
  9. Chowder17

    How do you know when you are being rebuked and chasen from GOD?

    Thank you for your comments, encouragement and support. It does help.
  10. Chowder17

    How do you know when you are being rebuked and chasen from GOD?

    How do you know when you are being rebuked and/or chasened by GOD? What does that exactly mean? I'm going through a hard time lately with my faith, or what is left of it...a lot of doubting and questioning. A few months ago I seemed to be at a "high point" in my life, when I felt closer than...
  11. Chowder17

    Christian group to pay off $10K in strangers' parking tickets

    Thats great for the person who's tickets were paid but there are better ways that money could have been spent besides giving it to someone who was irresponsible by accumilating a stock pile of parking tickets. There are sick and starving people out there, the 10k wouldve went alot farther with...
  12. Chowder17

    King Herod and John the Baptist

    Thanks so much Yekcidmij, It was driving me crazy, I was worried no one was going to be able to answer the question. :)
  13. Chowder17

    King Herod and John the Baptist

    Hello, I may be posting my tread in the wrong place but I wasnt sure where to list it, so I apologize if Im. I have been reading the Bible for some time now and I have always been unsure and uncertain about this: Is the King Herod who sent the 3 wise men to see Baby JESUS the same King Herod...
  14. Chowder17

    Help Build Water Wells for Africa...Its Free...Just Post :)

    I like this to, I havent been on often lately but now the pressures on ... must think of a meaningful post to post.
  15. Chowder17

    Real Friends

    This is nice and true. Did you write it yourself?