Recent content by ChiRho

  1. ChiRho

    a new issues etc subject--- Can we choose not to sin

    Sanctification: By Grace Alone By Rev. Dr. David P. Scaer Luther placed justification, the doctrine of God's free grace in Jesus Christ, at the heart of his theology. Man is saved not by anything he does or could hope to do, but by what God has done once and for all in Jesus Christ...
  2. ChiRho

    Our children's Christmas Eve service

    Are these the lyrics to "Steal Away"? Steal away, steal away, Steal away to Jesus! Steal away, steal away home, I ain't got long to stay here. My Lord, He calls me, He calls me by the thunder; The trumpet sounds within my soul, I ain't got long to stay here. Steal away, steal...
  3. ChiRho

    Our children's Christmas Eve service

    Um, thanks friend. Long time...completely unrelated to the thread...are you ready? Secession is on the horizon. Texas may be the place to be.
  4. ChiRho

    Our children's Christmas Eve service

    It wasn't. I was responding to the first post. At least it's not despicable...repent. All of us, repent.
  5. ChiRho

    Questions about the Lutheran Church

    Contemporary worship style?! Just go down the road to the local non-denom or Baptist or whatever and get the real deal. Flat screens, latte's, stadium seating, wifi, networking... Just fill me with moralisms and jam for Jesus!
  6. ChiRho

    Seeking (Question Barrage)

    Stillborn or miscarried children of Christian parents can take comfort that God has indeed worked faith and saved their babies. For their children heard the Gospel within the womb and prayed as the mother prayed. But for children of heathen and ungodly parents we hold no such view. Perhaps...
  7. The natural prerequisite to porcelain throne scholarship.

    The natural prerequisite to porcelain throne scholarship.

  8. Ima wabbit swaya

    Ima wabbit swaya

  9. Momma and me

    Momma and me

  10. Athanasius 019

    Athanasius 019

  11. Athanasius 022

    Athanasius 022

  12. Athanasius


  13. ChiRho

    How "quia" must one be to still remain "quia"?

    To avoid beginning upon false assumptions, could you define for me "Eucharistic Adoration" and "innovation," as they are applied specifically to this topic?
  14. ChiRho

    Special Thread

    Hilarity. And I'm not talking about Knowledge [of a] 3 [year-old]. Is disingenuousness that hard to detect? Successfully, this guy is makin' a fool out of most of you (props to Flip for wise advice!). My question: Where are the moderators? Translation? "I am God." When this...
  15. ChiRho

    Candlelight Service

    Bet that one hurt, even if you know the hidden insult. I get that all the time from my parents. Did think about receiving a blessing?