Recent content by *Cher

  1. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Because liberals are splitting up to throw even the kitchen sink at him. Some will act this way while others act another way. All a plan to disrespect the voters who fairly and legally elected President Trump. Miss Kelly Ann (and to the young girl from Canada, do not correct me, learn respect...
  2. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    The hypocrisy. Why can't they just admit that!
  3. *Cher


    :groupray: My cat is still hanging out. Won't come to us, let us come to her. She is coming to the door and windows. I guess she wants food. When we go out she runs away. I leave her food and she sneaks back to eat. Crazy cat.
  4. *Cher

    Texas voted to bury aborted babies, not sell This is a victory! :clap: The Donald J Trump effect!
  5. *Cher

    God and the healthcare system

    President Trump wants to change this. The left side stands in his way.
  6. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    They really wouldn't elect him wanting to closed down all the abortion clinics.
  7. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    Equally, the Christian left would not elect Jesus on his words condemning gay marriage.
  8. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    There is no Alt Right. That was a poor attempt to align conservative Trump supporters with KKK and White Supremeist groups who tried to attach themselves to Donald J Trump. He had/has/ will never have anything to do with them.
  9. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    You are young and in Canada. There isn't much to discuss. Good day
  10. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    It is relevant when the left side says Kelly Ann disrespects the Oval. It's the left side being very hypocritical.
  11. *Cher

    More Anti-Semitic vandalism, more bomb threats last week and today!

    Obama releases 10 more Gitmo prisoners, this time to Oman
  12. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    So now you care about adultery in the Oval office? The left side didn't care about it before.
  13. *Cher

    Kellyanne Conway kneels on a couch. Liberals go crazy.

    See what I mean? Everything but the kitchen sink.