Recent content by Charles Edward

  1. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    I would say no she hasn’t. She was raised catholic and I think that experience laid in her mind the foundational perspective through which she sees the Lord. We attended a baptist church for 10 years and she has seen other expressions of the faith, but with time I concluded that she had not...
  2. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    We are both believers. Can’t get her to pray about relationship. Her heart is locked and angry the prayers that flow are words of frustration, like some of King David’s prayers honest & brutal.
  3. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    I know what you mean about how a women’s mind is Wired. I clued in eventually. I think you’re right on both of your points. The deeper issues needs to be resolved, And it can’t happen without counselling. I guess that is where I have to focus my prayer. She sometimes sarcastically says, “what’s...
  4. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    Solving the bigger issues Is deep down what I would prefer. As far as the drastic measure of saying If you will not come then it’s over, I’ve never put it to her that way perhaps if she is still interested that may be the ultimatum she needs.
  5. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    Early on we went to counselling she came for two sessions and then she wouldn’t come. My parents divorced when I was six years old, it marked me Instilled in me a deep fear of repeating the same pattern. We have two daughters, Every time any of the issues were addressed brought up for...
  6. Charles Edward

    Lack of intimacy

    Hello, My wife and I have been married for 17 years, after the first year, my wife would be open to sexual contact Infrequently. The deep emotional issues That form a barrier have not been resolved or healed over the years and at times have been aggravated. At this point she’s categorically...
  7. Charles Edward


    Hello everyone, I’m trying to find my way around navigating the forum. Would like to discuss some questions relating to marriage ( I am married) Can someone point me to the right forum thank you? Charles Edward