Recent content by Call me Nic

  1. Call me Nic

    Is God pleased with people repenting of their sins?

    I will. And pray for me, please, also.
  2. Call me Nic

    Is God pleased with people repenting of their sins?

    I understand and now I see your point. Took four years, but I have come to believe this to be true.
  3. Call me Nic

    AOC Proposes Impeachment for Supreme Court Justices Who 'Lied Under Oath'

    I guess no one considers the fact that stances and opinions can change over time. Hard to prove perjury when they asked them a personal stance on an issue such as this one in a congressional hearing. But then again, the liberal pastime is impeaching those they disagree with.
  4. Call me Nic

    Why sanctions will not work, and why it should drive renewable energy.

    I agree that an unstable Europe is not good for us, but neither is a war with Russia where we are the primary fighter. Considering that Germany and many other nations in Europe are still so heavily dependent on Russian natural gas, I have doubts on whether they'd even be willing to help the US...
  5. Call me Nic

    Why sanctions will not work, and why it should drive renewable energy.

    The US is the primary financier of NATO (aside from Germany) and we provide much of the muscle in defense spending. If NATO goes to war with Russia, the burden would be mostly shouldered by the US. I think being apart of NATO is a bad idea for our country. We need to focus on securing our own...
  6. Call me Nic

    Is God pleased with people repenting of their sins?

    Just because the word "Repent" is used doesn't mean that it's indicating "repent of sins." To interpret it that way adds to scripture. Repentance in it's simplest definition in scripture means a change of mind. In the OT, the one who repented the most was God, but he never repented from sin...
  7. Call me Nic

    Hello. I'm Syri.

  8. Call me Nic

    Can a man who is living with another man's wife become a Christian and stay with her?

    They could both be saved (because salvation isn't according to our works), but if that sin is not quickly repented of after receiving salvation, I suspect God would chastise them both as children.
  9. Call me Nic

    Is the immune system important in fighting coronavirus?

    In many patients, the immune system "over-reacts" in a way which leads to further complications, such as what's called "Cytokine storm." But generally, the immune system of any healthy person either younger or older should be able to defend itself against COVID. It's not talked about, but there...
  10. Call me Nic

    Requirements of Salvation

    Faith IS obedience to God. Romans 10:10, 16-17 "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation... But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saith, Lord, who hath believed our report? So then faith cometh by hearing, and...
  11. Call me Nic

    Requirements of Salvation

    Romans 4:4-5 "Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." This verse alone destroys your entire premise. Faith is counted for righteousness.
  12. Call me Nic

    Best Books on Evangelism

    "Let's Go Soulwinning" by Dr. Jack Hyles. Great book. I think it can be found online for free as well.
  13. Call me Nic

    "Let's see if your Jesus comes to save you."

    Wow, amazing. Those saints will be mightily rewarded by the Lord.
  14. Call me Nic

    Question concerning forum signatures

    In the terms section of the forum rules it is stated, "Signatures may have tickers and CF internal links, but not other external links. If desired, place these other links on your profile page."
  15. Call me Nic

    I don't know what is wrong with me!

    You can't be saved twice, friend. Just fyi