Call me Nic

Hi there. If you're reading this, I appreciate you taking the time to want to know more about me.

I'm Nic, and I'm from Texas. I've been on this website a while (since 2017, but I've not always been the most active). I'm married with three children. I work as a paramedic and I'm also an RN, and work in an ICU. Recreationally, I enjoy writing music as a hobby and outlet for decompressing and dealing with stress. Beyond that, fitness is an interest of mine (although a struggle due to being busy).

Faith wise, I'm a Christian. I grew up Baptist and in fact, up until recently (2023), I considered myself a baptist and was passionate about my baptist beliefs. There was a time where I stumbled in my faith a bit and in the process of recuperating, I came to the realization that I didn't feel that the "zeal" I had regarding the baptist way of thinking was correct. Aside from this, I had become friends with someone at my work that grew up Protestant but had converted to Orthodox Christianity. Over the course of many conversations, I've started investigating Orthodoxy myself. Here I am (2024) and after being gone from the website for a couple years (couple years inactive, but my account deactivated for about a year), I'm back. I used to be pretty confrontational with my doctrinal beliefs, but these days, I'm working on trying to keep a more quiet spirit.

Anyway, I hope to see you around on the forums and wish you all the best. God bless.

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