Recent content by Caelesto

  1. Ship1


  2. Ship2


  3. Ship3


  4. Stuff


  5. Caelesto

    What is your favourite Christian Band?

    If you're looking for something a little different (and there's really no other word to describe it...), I would recommend Wovenhand. He is one of my favourite musicians in the world. His former band Sixteen Horsepower is also worth a listen. They're a little more folk/Americana sounding...
  6. Caelesto

    venting I guess?

    Thanks, guys. Professional help isn't really an option at this point with my financial situation (another huge stressor), but I'm trying to throw myself into art and music. Our band still has the odd event every month or so, I'm hoping we'll get more. Things have died down a bit since summer...
  7. Caelesto

    Do you think this guy is for real?

    Guy sounds like he has lost his way. I will pray for him. If "true Christians" are only those who do not sin, then we are all going to hell. Which is totally contradictory to the Truth that Jesus gave us. I wouldn't pay him any mind, except maybe to pray that he finds his way back to the light.
  8. Caelesto

    I used to be so afraid of being fat

    I am so happy to read this. It is no small feat, what you have accomplished. You are living breathing proof that recovery is possible, and that is a huge beacon of hope for the rest of us.
  9. Caelesto

    venting I guess?

    I have no one I really feel I can talk to about this save one friend (but he's going through so much right now, I feel guilty telling him how I feel because he has actual horrible issues of his own to deal with....), so that's why I'm here. The depression is really kicking my butt right now...
  10. Caelesto

    hey y'all

    Thank you<3
  11. Caelesto

    recovery fraud?

    ....I feel like should start this like I'm at a 12-step meeting. Hi everyone, I'm Caelesto. [:::"hiiiiii Caelesto":::] I've struggled with both anorexia and major depression since I was like ....11? I don't actually remember what it was like to NOT struggle with both of those. The...
  12. Caelesto

    hey y'all

    newbie here.... Been going through a really rough patch in general, so I guess I'm here to maybe find some words of wisdom from fellow Christians. Hope everyone's having a better 4th of July than I am