Recent content by C. Ray

  1. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    A few years later now, and I’m still struggling with it. The RCC just feels to me like an ill-fitting pair of shoes that I cling to because I’m stubborn.
  2. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    Thanks for everyone's input. I've decided to remain a Roman Catholic. I don't see any positive reason to begin attending any other church. There are negative reasons that I have been dealing with; that is to say elements of the faith would be removed (noisome popes, inconvenient teachings...
  3. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    Intellectually this isn't 'news' to me, but given the number of responses that echo the same notion I have to wonder about my preconceptions. As a convert, and from a nominally Methodist background (but raised secular) I suspect some protestant ideas about Catholicism and the papacy have been...
  4. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    I agree with that entirely, and even were I to jump from Peter's barque I would continue to have the highest regard for the Chair of Peter than can be had for an ecclesial office. I would continue to read papal encyclicals and other official statements, but I would not feel compelled in the...
  5. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    I hadn't heard of a Charismatic Episcopal Church. I have attended a few churches in the Continuing Anglican movement, but only as a tourist. I have great appreciation for the 1928 BCP.
  6. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    That's interesting, I have always understood it to mean that the Church cannot teach improperly. I understand churchmen can teach improperly (there are plenty!) but the Church's magisterium is often presented as infallible, even in its ordinary sense. I'd like to read/understand a little more...
  7. C. Ray

    Torn between two traditions

    TL;DR: Pope Francis seems to be defective; I may prefer to join a church that doesn't claim indefectability. I am writing in the hope that a forum-based conversation will help me determine my next steps in approaching my pastor at my current church, or whether I will take the (rather drastic...