Recent content by Bryce Harris

  1. Bryce Harris

    What "is" the Law...?

    Breaking the law which everyone has done brings forth the punishment of death. The Gospel is the fact that Jesus came and lived it perfectly that we may live it perfectly in him by faith, therefore, excluding us from the penalty of death because when he died we died with him on the cross...
  2. Bryce Harris

    What is the best way to do away with evil...?

    Evil in this world is never going to be done away with completely until Jesus comes back. Now how do we do away with evil in ourselves? Jesus Christ gave you the victory over evil in your life at the cross he answered every evil passion, desire, and distraction at the cross. He gave you victory...
  3. Bryce Harris

    What "is" the Law...?

    The law of old was the guidelines given to Isreal for them to follow but in reality, they were given to show how imperfect man is and his inability to follow God's expectations within our own power, therefore, making man humbled and to look for a coming redeemer. That's what all the old...
  4. Bryce Harris

    What did Jesus mean when he said "I have fulfilled the law"?

    Jesus fulfilled the law by keeping it perfectly and died on the cross that we may live perfectly in the law through him just by having simple faith in what he did at the cross and the victory he won.
  5. Bryce Harris

    How do you Identify Wolves in Sheep's Clothing?

    Jesus said that you'll know them by their fruits. Meaning that a good tree cannot produce evil fruit. And a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. So look at their beliefs, if their beliefs do not match the word of God then you know no matter how good they may look on the outside that they are an...
  6. Bryce Harris


    Number 1 make sure that which you are praying for is the will of God. 2nd you just have to keep your faith in Christ and what he did for you at the cross. Jesus not only died for your sins but he also died for your daily needs as a Christian. He died that you may knock at his door and receive...
  7. Bryce Harris

    How do, or can we, "obey"...?

    The same faith you displayed in salvation is the same faith you use every single day you walk with the Lord. Jesus not only died for your sins but he died that you may be able to live for him for the rest of your life not being controlled by your sinful passions or by the sin nature. Start off...
  8. Bryce Harris

    God's Wrath...To believe the OT or not.

    What do you think God is? A robot? God expressed his love by sending his only son to die for us on the cross, God expressed his wrath when he burned down Sodom and Gomorrah because of their sin. When Jesus saw the sin and wickedness of Israel he cried. God showed his love and mercy when he...
  9. Bryce Harris

    Hope for salvation

    Your first verse just speaks of the rapture of the Church, where it says "those who have done good" just means those who have kept the faith and was faithful to the Lord that has nothing to do with specific works. Have you noticed that it didn't say those who have done good works? second verse...
  10. Bryce Harris


    The Lake of Fire is the final destination for all the wicked and Satan and his fallen angels. When somebody who is not saved dies they automatically just go to Hell as they await there for Judgement. Once everybody that is not saved dies then that's when God will ressurect the damned and go...
  11. Bryce Harris


    Eternal torment and everlasting burning are the same things. It's just that there is two places of torment. Hell is the temperary place for right now until the reserrction of the damned which will take place after the millennium kingdom age. The dead will come out of Hell to receive God's last...
  12. Bryce Harris

    How to prove that Christianity is superior?

    Also when i meant the restoration of Israel i meant the thing that happened in the 1940s when Israel was scattered around the earth and then eventually came back as a nation once again. Also Jews now are spiritually dead but remember that God still has his eyes on them as a people and he loves...
  13. Bryce Harris


    What i'm saying is is that Heaven and Hell are mentioned in the Bible as both literal places. So if you accept the fact that Heaven is real you have to with Hell also, you can't just accept the fact that Heaven is real because you want to go there and not accept it with Hell because you don't...
  14. Bryce Harris

    Hope for salvation

    My bad i'm messing up with my replies because i'm new here and i'm getting used to the controls lol.
  15. Bryce Harris

    Hope for salvation

    Yes, we do get rewards at the Judgement seat of Christ for doing good works. But if we depend on woks as the means of salvation or sanctification then our works will be in vain. If we allow the Holy Ghost and the will of God to rule in our lives, works will automatically come not because we are...