Recent content by brainstormer

  1. brainstormer

    Procrastinating about something important

    I need to do something important, like a legal matter, like writing a will, or filing paperwork, something like that. I'm in fine health, and emotionally OK, blessed in God, loving God and the body of Christ. However, it seems like taking this action will radically change my life in a better...
  2. brainstormer

    Christians in the Money Program 12 Step Groups

    Has anyone here ever tried the groups Underearners' Anonymous or Debtors' Anonymous? I am by no means poor but I'm a composer and writer and try to have time for ministry focus. I decided that to have more time for my arts, trying to be successful with a small business would be the ideal, if...
  3. brainstormer

    Ive done it now.

    I went through what you went through when I was younger and when I as older I realized there were issues relating to how I was raised that were the problem. If you look at yourself as good enough to be with someone forever, that you can be casual with someone and you don't have to put on any...
  4. brainstormer

    Books You or I May Want to Read

    Platform Echoes by John Gough. Bible Looking Glass by John Barber. Both can be found online in PDF as they are over 120 years old.
  5. brainstormer

    Need prayer to keep listing buy and sell inventory

    I have a huge buy and sell inventory of books, vinyl records, art objects and other things I seemed to have a cluttering, "oh I should keep," this attitude for a long time, not realizing what I was doing. I pray for a spirit to put things in lots, have a wholesale mindset, and even liquidating...
  6. brainstormer


    I wrote and published a book on revivalin 2016. I was laughed at when I brought up the subject, many times. Andrew Wommack has the same reaction to the idea that if we lived righteously, and had the wisdom to win souls, we would create the conditions for revival. Asking God to send revival...
  7. brainstormer

    I need help

    My point is that the world will LOVE great Christian art, like it always has. Look at C.S. Lewis' fiction.
  8. brainstormer

    I need help

    I've been working in the space of Christianity and the arts since the 1980s. You can find artistic theory I've written under the term "virtuism." Let me give you a true history of what happens to the best Christian "art," in this case, music. I'm a fan of prog, classical and various more arty...
  9. brainstormer

    Loneless, the Church and Social Capital

    Maybe you do not understand the concept. I think are trying to say you want to love people and form relationships with them.
  10. brainstormer

    Loneless, the Church and Social Capital

    Well, I wasn't looking for small corrections of facts, but instead a discussion on this topic. Underlying it I think is the essence of Jesus' teachings. What does fishers of men mean?
  11. brainstormer

    Author on spirituality and mental health needs proofreader

    Greetings, I'm the author at Telical Books. I have finished another book and looking for a proofreader. Please contact me if you have a careful eye for typos. Thanks.
  12. brainstormer

    Loneless, the Church and Social Capital

    Well, 1980s is newish in the scope of history. I believe people have to be "tierable". It used to be many people had maids and butlers, because most people were going to church on Sunday. They could be trusted. Now people just abandon people because of their sin.
  13. brainstormer

    Loneless, the Church and Social Capital

    Have you heard of "social capital"? It's a new term used in academia to describe people's relationships. (you would have to google it to get more information on it). It seems in the early church (and now in cults) social capital was high for new converts. Now it seems harder for people...
  14. brainstormer

    Public High School Vinyl LP From Washington 1960's Many Christian Songs

    If you type "Xian Psych" you will see Christian rock was very active in the 1960s. There is a great playlist on my magmasunburst account which should come up first. Sometimes up to $1000 is paid by even non-Christians for Christian artists that just put out one lp on private press labels. I...
  15. brainstormer

    Thoughts on Extreme forms of Christian music?

    I'm a fan of prog, classical and various more arty types of rock. I think the best Christian music was the most obscure. If you type "Xian Psych" you will see Christian rock was very active in the 1960s. There is a great playlist on my magmasunburst account which should come up first...