Recent content by Bethany311

  1. B

    Mark of the Beast, the matrix, and your job!

    I recently heard a theory I'd never heard before concerning the "mark," and it seemed to fit with scriptures perfectly. I was surprised it wasn't more well known. Here is a question I'd like to seriously pose: Is there any reason why the mark of the beast couldn't have been something that has...
  2. B

    Mark of the Beast, the matrix, and your job!

    I understand those may be the rules, but I haven't said anything here to suggest someone is doing something un-Christian. I'm simply sharing my opinion and thoughts. Endtime Survivors said previously that he looked forward to more of my thoughts, so I'm continuing the conversation...
  3. B

    Mark of the Beast, the matrix, and your job!

    I still think to limit the system to the love of money alone is a mistake. The "system" is anything and everything that is apart from God's will... If I go to a restaurant to have a fun time with family and it is apart from God's will, I'm partaking in the system. If I drive to meet someone at a...
  4. B

    Christianity... and the fact of evolution

    I'll check it out and may get back to you with my thoughts. I think people don't delve into it or other posts for that matter, because most people want to believe what they want to believe, whether it's true or not, and prefer to be blind to all else because they are happy or comfortable with...
  5. B

    Mark of the Beast, the matrix, and your job!

    This is a very interesting post to me, because I believe The Matrix movie specifically and "the system" has been highlighted to me recently by who I call God. I perked up when I heard this in the video: "The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy." ... "When you look inside what do...
  6. B

    Christianity... and the fact of evolution

    It's helpful to hear where you stand so that posters don't fall into the trap of assumption and start to tell you what you believe, when they in fact have no idea. But I hope you didn't take my last statement as directed at you. I was meaning to say that I haven't heard much of a decent...
  7. B

    Christianity... and the fact of evolution

    I could be wrong, but it seems like you may be projecting. Indent didn't say it bothers him that others believe in God, nor did he say that God doesn't exist. I think he's simply asking for an explanation and valid argument as to how Christianity and evolution can be reconciled. I personally...
  8. B

    Christianity... and the fact of evolution

    Setting aside one's choice, there is also truth, isn't there? But I suppose that is technically not the question being asked here by Indent...
  9. B

    New Thinker

    Excellent. Great examples. Here's something I took from my other thread, "How Can I know the "god" I Interact With and Hope In Is the Real God?" Someone commented: "Well, if you're going to apply the scientific method to this topic (or any topic), you'd have to first acknowledge that there is...
  10. B

    New Thinker

    I've bumped the conversation to the top because I would like to continue the conversation. I'd like to give others who haven't replied yet a chance to give their input, and of course, anyone who has replied already can chime in with more as well. I'm learning a lot from these forums with so many...
  11. B

    New Thinker

  12. B

    New Thinker

    I'd like to post here again to continue to learn how to critically think for myself. Some of you have seen my other recent post concerning gaining evidence for how I can know for sure the "god" I'm believing in/interacting with is real. For those who are willing, I'd like to take that post...
  13. B

    Do you 'know' God?

    I appreciate this thread and the thoughts expressed here a lot, as it is touching on the same questions I have recently. I'm new to the forums and recently posted a question of "How Can I Know the God I Interact With and Hope In is the Real God?" How can I know that what I am "serving" and...
  14. B

    New Thinker

    This is a great reply (FrumiousBandersnatch), and exactly why I'm on this forum - to try and pick apart the way I'm used to thinking and find out how to determine if it lines up with reality or not. I'd like to jump in and ask more about coincidences... but I'm not really sure where to begin...
  15. B

    New Thinker

    Well this is neat... this morning I had an urge to go through old emails and re-read a few. In an email a friend sent last year at almost exactly this same time of month, they explained a little about the Forer effect. That was the first time I'd ever heard about it. I'd forgot about it since...