Recent content by Bennie Holcomb

  1. Bennie Holcomb

    Looking for Christian short screenplays problem...I have nothing to hide!!! lol I can actually set you up a folder on my dropbox if you are subscribed to that...make it easier to share files. And thanks for the interest! I look forward to looking over your works! Thanks, Bennie
  2. Bennie Holcomb

    Looking for Christian short screenplays

    I would most definitely love to see the a matter of fact, it would be good to collaborate and make it like a TV series style show...I like the possibilities! Please send the first of the series so I can look them over...sounds like a great project to start.
  3. Bennie Holcomb

    Looking for Christian short screenplays

    I am looking to start with shorts to get some experience under my, and my small crews, belt. I now have access to my own equipment and software (for post-production) to pull off just about anything that does not have too many locations and/or expensive props, etc. Going for a low budget atm...
  4. Bennie Holcomb

    Looking for Christian short screenplays

    I have been building up to this point in my life where I have been blessed with the funds to get the equipment I need to start filmmaking, and I have been looking for some Christian based screenplays to produce. I also am a writer but have not had time to sit and do the writing myself for a...