Recent content by bach90

  1. B

    The Bondage Of The Will

    Great question, since everything we say should be supported by Scripture. I suppose I'd answer by saying that there is not a huge difference between saving someone and someone being elected, since, by definition if one is part of the elect one is saved and if one is saved one is part of the...
  2. B

    The Bondage Of The Will

    There was a large thread on this at some point, perhaps you could search and find some answers. But basically, here are the differences spelled out. Lutheran: 1) All men are sinners and from the moment of conception are doomed to hell because of Original Sin. 2) God elects people through...
  3. B

    Why remain Lutheran?

    The Book of Concord mentions the Perpetual Virginity of Mary at least twice, once explicitly and once implicitly. (SA, Part I, IV explicitly and AC III implicitly). Semper Virgo was held pretty unanimously in the Lutheran Church until about 1900.
  4. B

    Do Catholics take the Bible literally?

    I agree, if by fundamentalist you mean literal. However, the approach taken to get there is quite different. Even the WELS stresses the importance of the original languages and historical context as opposed to fundamentalists which ignore the latter and minimize the former, particularly when...
  5. B

    The Right To Serve

    Private businesses have the right to refuse service to whomever they feel like. To suggest otherwise is to say that the government has the right to regulate a business when it has not taken on any of the risk, skill, or investment involved in maintaining a business.
  6. B

    Do Catholics take the Bible literally?

    Traditionally the RCC uses the four senses of Scripture to evaluate a Biblical text. Take for example "Jerusalem." Literally, it means the city located in the Middle East. Allegorically it could be the church on earth. Morally it could be the just man or the just soul. Analogically it's the...
  7. B

    WELS' bible translation

    I've only seen the interest in Patristics increase over the past few years. I feel like when we say the Bible is "without error" we're using a slogan that doesn't mean what we think it means. I definitely disagree, rather strongly, that Lutheranism is moving towards Evangelicalism. You have...
  8. B

    The Existence of Freewill

    I give determinists the benefit of the doubt as far as their motives, they hold their views out of a pious love of God the Father. Most that I speak to hold that if God gives us free will, He cedes some control of the universe. In the Calvinist paradigm, God must always be sovereign. They...
  9. B

    The Existence of Freewill

    For mortal sin, yes. You didn't specify that in your first comment though.
  10. B

    The Existence of Freewill

    Only if you assume that it requires a will of your own to sin. You also have to assume that you can only posses a free will, there's the alternative that they have a will which is not completely free.
  11. B

    Pope Francis and Ramadan

    No. I've stated facts. There is not one passage in the New Testament that commands believers to use violence in evangelization. Yeah, your passages prove my point. Christians end up getting martyred, but we're never commanded to go out and use swords to spread our faith. I never said there's...
  12. B

    Pope Francis and Ramadan

    This argument doesn't work with Islam. Christians do not use violence to spread their religion, in accordance with the teachings of the New Testament. Christians that use violence to spread their religion do it in opposition and despite of what the New Testament says. There are Muslims who...
  13. B

    Pope Francis and Ramadan

    It's weird for the RCC hierarchy to be so open armed to muslims when there are RC faithful and priests being killed by muslims as we speak: Syrian terrorists behead Catholic priest accused of collaborating with the Assad regime - NY Daily News The RCC has enemies, it should be more aware of...