Recent content by AubreyM

  1. AubreyM

    Does God Answer all prayers?

    What are your thoughts on this?
  2. AubreyM

    Art and Illustrations of Bible Characters.

    Paul, should we go back to Victorian Aged painting? :)
  3. AubreyM

    Giving it All to Him

    Would like to say your writings have changed. (Do not remember you writing like you do now - from several months ago -> on behalf of the Lord through you - you have done this for many years of course ) Great job on driving the point across. What you are saying here is the reflection of the old...
  4. AubreyM


    Thank you have a great day. Thank you for being here with me as well. You take care brother see you again next -> which wont have anything to do with anything here posted today. (Knew what was coming thanks again for at least being here) Thanking God for you on the behalf. :)
  5. AubreyM


    Very informative, thank you 2BeholdHisGlory. One day, hope to be able to... teach the bible and not have any authority by men over me other than God and his authority. (Which doesn't give me myself authority at all -> Just a messenger a vessel for Christ Jesus and God to use before my death.)...
  6. AubreyM


    Dissimulated all my posting. Though you have them all qouted. -shrugs- It is funny though how human beings are and what they think. Believe though @tampasteve getting closer to God requires day to day faith and trusting in God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. AubreyM


    Oh no. Disbandment. You take care. @tampasteve please close this thread.
  8. AubreyM


  9. AubreyM


  10. AubreyM


  11. AubreyM


  12. AubreyM


  13. AubreyM


  14. AubreyM

    Temptation / Testing

    You are a child of the Most High being a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ whom was raised again by God on the third day. Jesus Christ lives in you, and even the winds and sea waves obeys Him. Remember these things, and be thankful unto God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was always...
  15. AubreyM

    ? Unsure Question ?

    Alright then. Opinions will always be subjective. So believe that in conclusion : On basis of the bible -> God created Humans. God is the creator of all human beings. Is He the Father of them? No -> Because it requires something back from them -> Faith. The bible says God created Adam from...