Recent content by ArseniusTheSilent

  1. ArseniusTheSilent

    Son of Hamas founder speaks

    There used to be a spirit of anti-war sentiment in America. It has long since been cast off in favor of bloodlust and empire. Where are the rallies for peace? non-existent. Shame on you and shame on all of us. This is genocide and bloodlust regardless of what Hamas did on October 7th and since...
  2. ArseniusTheSilent

    Son of Hamas founder speaks

    Dr. Gabor Maté on Israel/Palestine - October 28, 2023 Dr. Gabor Mate is probably one of the most inspiring voices on compassion, regardless of how hard and unsettling that path is to walk, out there today. Someone who actually understands compassion from all sides as a Jew as a Holocaust...
  3. ArseniusTheSilent

    Son of Hamas founder speaks

    Are you suggesting that Palestinian children (Christian and Muslim alike) haven't and aren't being killed by IDF bombs? You can disagree with the media source but stop whitewashing what is occurring daily right now in Gaza by BOTH sides. People like the video(s) in the OP (which I find QUITE...
  4. ArseniusTheSilent

    OT: Prayers for the Holy Land

    Total Devastation: Images of survivors picking through the rubble of the Saint Porphyrius Church in Gaza, the world's 3rd oldest Christian building. Four Israeli missiles hit the building tonight. Church authorities estimate there are already 150 dead. My apologies. I got duped by fake news...
  5. ArseniusTheSilent

    I couldn't find an Orthodox Calendar mobile app to my liking, so decided to make one

    If you could provide links here in this or a similar thread it would be much appreciated. I often find myself assuming I have links to all the reasonably decent links on the web for such liturgics (often not centrally organized on my laptop) and would enjoy having a more complete list. Some...
  6. ArseniusTheSilent

    I couldn't find an Orthodox Calendar mobile app to my liking, so decided to make one

    Liturgy IO This is the other online resource with reasonably integrated daily menaion entries in English that is very usable via a cellphone/tablet as well for reference. You might find this one useful for context also for what exists out there.
  7. ArseniusTheSilent

    I couldn't find an Orthodox Calendar mobile app to my liking, so decided to make one

    I totally get it. You might try loading an Orthros or Liturgy service on the Digital Chant Stand via your phone to understand how it works quite well even on a cellphone and how something on the Slavonic or Serbian side might work. It autoformats to the usable width for most things. It also the...
  8. ArseniusTheSilent

    I couldn't find an Orthodox Calendar mobile app to my liking, so decided to make one

    This is definitely what the Digital Chant Stand brings for Greek Orthodox services. This on the slavonic side: ALL SAINTS EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH Liturgical Resources in Independence Ohio You might be overestimating the need for an actual app honestly but feel free to prove me wrong.
  9. ArseniusTheSilent

    OT: Prayers for the Holy Land

    We are deeply grieved by the news coming from the suffering Middle East. We mourn the souls taken during the recent tragic events. May God’s embrace comfort the grieving families. Our thoughts and prayers are particularly with the civilians, who experience painful moments of anguish, terrorized...
  10. ArseniusTheSilent

    Proper Behavior During Divine Liturgy Worship

    As Father Matt said, do what others around you are doing. In general, we stand when praying in church (with a host of exceptions and caveats depending on parish practice, diocese and time of the year). Watch the laity and the priest. Sometimes the priest will motion for the laity to sit during...
  11. ArseniusTheSilent

    Fr Tom Hopko and Darwin

    It might benefit the discussion if you provided a link to the source material for people to listen to. Just a thought.
  12. ArseniusTheSilent

    What Are You Required to Believe to Become Orthodox?

    This is a remarkably hard question to answer. What they all said! :innocent:
  13. ArseniusTheSilent

    A Slavic Disney Princess

    If you study the history of Walt Disney himself then you quickly conclude that he was anything but wholesome.