Recent content by Antari Zephyr

  1. Antari Zephyr

    Am I supposed to be doing anything while on Earth?

    Teach God's Word to all people, not just in church. Also love and serve God. If you are married, love your spouse, but always love God first. Walk in the world, not of the world.
  2. Antari Zephyr

    Is Hugging a Sin? What Does the Bible Say?

    It boils down to temptations, thoughts, sexual desire, etc. If you are simply hugging them without anything sinful on your mind, there's nothing wrong. If you have any sort of sexual thoughts or temptations about the same gender, yes, avoid hugging. Otherwise, so long as no sinful things are in...
  3. Antari Zephyr


    I wouldn't call that ghosting. Many guys slow down on their calls or texting after the initial meeting. I'm an exception, as I always texted and called every day. Just give it some more time, don't barrage him with texts like "why don't you answer?" or anything. It's possible he'll start...
  4. Antari Zephyr

    My parents are forcing a girl on me for marriage

    My mom was in a similar situation. She ended up marrying my dad (he passed away in 2004) and her parents despised him. They had millions, yet just because she married someone they didn't like, they wrote her out of the will. My uncle got it all, and decided to give us just enough to pay off our...
  5. Antari Zephyr

    How Important Is Getting Married To You?

    Not seeking pity or anything, just mentioning this. Actually, that's my problem. I can only stand up for about 5 minutes in an entire day or my lower back injury pinches my spinal cord, then I am paralyzed from 30 minutes to 5 days. So I lay down all day or use a wheelchair. I also have unknown...
  6. Antari Zephyr

    How Important Is Getting Married To You?

    I'm 30 years old now, as of July 15th. Growing up, I felt like if I had not married by age 25, I would be just feeling pathetic. I don't feel that way now. How do you feel? Does it feel like you need to marry in order to feel happy in life? I would love to get married, myself, and I know I'd be...
  7. Antari Zephyr

    Does knowing there are multiples "ones" for you make relationships less special?

    Not to me, no. I mean, my mother for example married my original daddy over 40 years ago. When he died in 2004, we were very lonely. Then a friend of my daddy's when he was a teen, a man that my mother knew back then when they were first dating, showed up at a funeral for a friend of my mother...
  8. Antari Zephyr

    What Do You Seek In A Man?

    Note that I'm not asking for someone to date, just for opinions. I have wondered this for most of my life. That picture is of a rare moment when my face isn't covered in a terrible rash. I'm small, 5' 3", and due to my bad health, I've barely any teeth and can't gain weight. I used to be very...
  9. Antari Zephyr

    I Haven't Been Here for 13 Years, So I Decided to Introduce Myself Again

    Hi, everyone. I tend to be long winded, but I'll try not to be this time. I'm Christopher Michael. I'm 30 years old as of July. I first joined here at age 16 when my father was dying from lung cancer. He was a devout Christian, so I know he's fine, though I miss him. I found a lot of support...
  10. Antari Zephyr

    One complaint is all they need to cancel out supporting our faith in Jesus for Christmas

    Not so much a link as it is places I've been to. Sort of before the internet was common. What they claim is that Christianity is a religion, but satanism isn't.
  11. Antari Zephyr

    Should I Consider Marriage Under These Conditions?

    Thank you. I feel that would be best. I've healed from worse things that doctors couldn't figure out, so I suppose if it is His Will that I marry, and I do, I could pray for healing. I do know of women who don't mind men being unable to walk. I can walk, just not far. Now that I think about it...
  12. Antari Zephyr

    I hate Christmas.

    Yes, I agree. My family was poor, and my first dad reached the last stage of cancer and died right after Christmas. I was 16. Several of my aunts spread lies about my mother and I saying we abused him. It was not a good time. However, it's been over a decade for me, and I've prayed for help...
  13. Antari Zephyr

    I hate Christmas.

    It's basically indoctrination of the young. Even if you teach santa is false, the focus still shifts to gifts and money. I'm on disability myself, my family just gets a couple of presents per person. The past three times we didn't do presents at all. We just focused on our faith in The LORD...
  14. Antari Zephyr

    One complaint is all they need to cancel out supporting our faith in Jesus for Christmas

    Yet I have seen Christian signs taken down while literal satanic ones are allowed to remain. The world is always going to turn on us.
  15. Antari Zephyr

    Should I Consider Marriage Under These Conditions?

    I know that being married doesn't revolve around sexual things. I'm 29 right now, and my health has declined to the point where I have memory problems, never damage, and back injuries. The reason I mentioned sexual desire is that once my mind was affected by the nerve damage, I completely lost...