Recent content by Annel Bench

  1. Annel Bench

    I'm now a widower. Now what?

    I hope you are doing ok. I can only imagine the loneliness that you have been experiencing. Does it help to pray? After prayer do you feel comfort, or just the same? In the bible it says we go through these painful experiences so that we can become refined and changed into something better...
  2. Annel Bench

    Forever Gone.

    God lets the world and everything in it work through its own freedom of choice, but He is always there in control too. Death is part of our journey. It feels painful and scary, only because we don't yet have a perfect knowledge of what awaits us. It feels like we won't see our loved ones for...
  3. Annel Bench

    Unfortunate Death Yesterday

    I know this happened quite some time ago, but I will reply. I have seen death many times, as a nurse. There's always been something spiritual about death for me. It's something we don't like to think about much because of the fear of the unknown. Even believing in God and heaven doesn't give us...
  4. Annel Bench

    I question my salvation

    Love is an action word. To increase your love for God show him your love, and your love for him will increase. We show our love for Him, by serving others, by being kind to others, and showing forgiveness. By helping others learn of the gospel of Jesus Christ, being a discipline of Jesus Christ...
  5. Annel Bench

    I question my salvation