Recent content by angelsaroundme

  1. angelsaroundme

    Which Super Popular Movies Did You Not See?

    The Matrix is one of the movies I'd recommend anyone see. A lot of the older films I haven't seen, like The Ten Commandments. Should probably watch more of the classics.
  2. angelsaroundme

    What are you currently watching?

  3. angelsaroundme

    I don’t care how realistic and gloomy the world is, why do people keep harping on negativity with the news?

    Partly click bait to maximize views. If things are good, people don't have to worry. If someone says something is going wrong, they are compelled to find out why. Partly because the elite want a tense or disagreeable society that leads to increased isolation.
  4. angelsaroundme

    What are you currently watching?

  5. angelsaroundme

    Do Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians worship the same God?

    That's a very complicated question with Buddhism. It says something about its similarities in values, like transcending worldly attachments and compassion, that Buddha's story was Christianized into the saints Barlaam and Josaphat. However, Buddhism branched out of Hinduism yet does not...
  6. angelsaroundme

    Boy Meets Girl, Fans Meet Jesus?

    America needs good romance films in general. They hardly make them these days.
  7. angelsaroundme

    What are you listening to right now? (24)

    "Said boy you need the good book bad All your running a-round’s gotta slow down a little You're living just a little too fast You gotta meet the man somewhere in the middle Sometimes you gotta take a step back, look at you and ask Who you are down in your heart and you ain't that far off track...
  8. angelsaroundme

    What is the attraction to the monkey movies?

    This is a Christian perspective on it. I don't think he mentioned the bird parallel. Noah is associated with the dove, Noa in the recent movie is with the Eagle tribe. I won't spoil anything else.
  9. angelsaroundme

    What are you listening to right now? (24)

    There's no place you wouldn't go You're searching high and low You'd leave the ninety-nine to lead me home
  10. angelsaroundme

    A Psychologist Unpacks The ‘Replaying Conversations’ Compulsion

    No, that is a separate part of OCD. I'm referring to OCD in the form of social rumination or the ritual of analyzing social interactions. In this case, the constant compulsive going over what they said or did is the OCD ritual. It can be considered a form of checking, like checking locks...
  11. angelsaroundme

    What is the Philosophy of Art?

    The photos of earthrise on the moon are awesome. I bet your rendering turned out really cool.
  12. angelsaroundme

    What is the Philosophy of Art?

    Art can be about the time and care put into making something that will get someone else to smile. It can be about adventures of unique concepts. Or about revealing the charm or eccentricities of the soul. I mainly prefer art that focuses on beauty and light.
  13. angelsaroundme

    A Psychologist Unpacks The ‘Replaying Conversations’ Compulsion

    Ruminating over social interactions is a very common form of OCD behavior. I think like you said, I've gotten better at seeing the rabbit hole and not going down it. I still do it way more than I'd want to admit though.