Recent content by Ana the Ist

  1. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    Oof....let's go over some myths. 1. Biden wasn't aware he had classified docs. 1a. This is provably untrue. How the ghostwriter of Biden's memoirs ended up in the center of a classified documents probe In a recorded interview, either in Biden’s or his biographer's possession, Biden can...
  2. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    I wish I could predict the future of the dollar with your confidence....but I'm not as sure. China has more problems they don't have solutions for than they care to admit. China has one remaining communist tactic they've never abandoned.....faking success. People learned about the pipe...
  3. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    Indeed. Everyone going to the gas pumps feels like a victim of the government. Every story of some vicious criminal let back onto the streets makes people feel like victims of the government. Grocery store prices, vaccine shenanigans, 50 billion dollars to the Ukraine (whom we know is corrupt...
  4. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    I actually agree with your sentiment here but take a little bit of issue with the term "targeted enforcement". Targeted enforcement is what cops do to succeed as cops. Targeted enforcement is largely a part of why crime rates fell rather consistently, year after year, from the 90s to about...
  5. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    Commoner would have worked then. Reference? Seems a bit low. Does that inherently mean Scottish slave owners? I know that the idea of your ancestors not marrying a white man after they were freed or having their children after they were freed is an easy way to imagine it going down...but...
  6. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    The idea that the archives realized documents were missing is a joke. They don't take an inventory, they don't keep track of documents. They don't. If they did, they would have noticed that the highly classified military documents taken by Biden 7 years earlier were missing. His own staff =...
  7. Ana the Ist

    The Republican Embracing of a Felon, is a Disaster

    Fun fact....they're all felons. Any presidential candidate who has already served as president is, at minimum, a war criminal. That's not my personal opinion btw...these are facts. That other guy running? The one who can't remember which day of the week it is? He sold cluster bombs to the...
  8. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    This is a weird theory. I wouldn't even use it to describe the wider nation social culture today....and I'm not Anglo-Saxon by heritage, lol. I love this part...scotch-irish were "vulgar" and as someone part scotch-irish....that's hilarious. Yeah sure....a group people that existed for...
  9. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    The problem is that you think the disparity proves something. We can take any two 32 years old and men 33 years old....and we'd expect a disparity. Does the disparity mean that the men 32yo are being discriminated against? No. It's just a disparity.
  10. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    If you knew how bad the "experts" of various fields and their research actually is....this post would take on a whole new level of hilarity. The former president of Harvard? The black woman who had to testify before Congress? Turned out her work was largely plagiarized. That's the most...
  11. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    I don't have to justify it.... I'm asking if you understand that even if a judge, on average, sentences black men to 3 months longer than he does white men for simple assault..... Do you understand that he still sentences some white men longer than he does black men? Or do you think that...
  12. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past? means that because two people are facing similar charges and have similar expect similar results. Records and charges aren't the only factors though. Nobody is saying that they so. The problem is that you don't know what an average is in regards to statistics. If...
  13. Ana the Ist

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    You just described every state that ever existed or will exist.
  14. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    1. There's few inherent biases that people have been genuinely able to prove the existence of. Biases towards beautiful people fall under what is known as the "halo" effect and are arguably the strongest bias we can measure. When we see someone as beautiful....we also tend to treat them as if...
  15. Ana the Ist

    Systemic racism in the USA: Are whites "guiltier" if they had slavery in their past?

    What is the problem you speak of....exactly?