Recent content by amadeus2

  1. amadeus2

    New Forum: German

    Ich kann jetzt nicht viel sagen. Ich hoffe dass ich gutes Deutsch sprechen. Wenn nicht, tut es mir Leid.
  2. amadeus2

    Today I am grateful for... (4)

    That I have the opportunity to see Him face to face.
  3. amadeus2

    Two Last Letters Become the First Two Letters of the Next Word or Phrase

    "Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom." Matt 16:28
  4. amadeus2

    Keep a word, Drop a word

    Blessed Assurance
  5. amadeus2

    Four word sentence challenge (ABC order) (4)

    Yuck, yesterday's yellow yams!
  6. amadeus2

    Today I am grateful for... (4)

    God continuing to speak to my heart in spite of my failures.
  7. amadeus2

    Two Last Letters Become the First Two Letters of the Next Word or Phrase

    Never yet have completely and fully understood all that God has done for me
  8. amadeus2

    Prayer requests (6)

    Thank you! It is good to be remembered. I remember that long ago, I was very active on this forum, but from there my memory runs short on the details. I really used to have a good memory. I suppose that there are worse things to lose. Give God the glory!
  9. amadeus2

    Two Last Letters Become the First Two Letters of the Next Word or Phrase

    'Atta boy' given may be the only thing that will really help in a really bad predicament.