Recent content by Alotanor

  1. Alotanor

    NFL - 3rd down AC/DC Hell's Bells played all the time

    There are many stadiums in the NFL which play the opening bell gong from the ACDC song Hells Bells (and sometimes the added guitar) when the opposing team has a 3rd down. It is SOOOOOOOOOO annoying to me. They place that song in my head as an ear-worm and it keeps coming back every 3rd down...
  2. Alotanor

    Thx for clearing up the BIM lyric 'the devil is my "savior"' (8 years later - LOL) It always...

    Thx for clearing up the BIM lyric 'the devil is my "savior"' (8 years later - LOL) It always made me cringe, and I wondered if they were worshipping Satan somehow. Now I know the proper context.