Recent content by Albatro55

  1. Albatro55


    Thank you !
  2. Albatro55

    New member

    Hello and welcome!
  3. Albatro55

    What Are You Happy For?

    My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my family, my sobriety.
  4. Albatro55


    Thank you ! Thank you ! Thanks ! And thank you for the insight. I'm pretty impressed by all of the information thus far. Thank you, you as well !
  5. Albatro55

    I am addicted to porn. Its time I face it.

    The fact that you admit your problem is a necessary and HUGE step towards recovery. My advice as someone who's been there with a different addiction, is get professional help. Treat it as an addiction, and don't be ashamed. Find yourself a licensed addiction counselor and schedule an...
  6. Albatro55


    Thank you very much! I love your colorful profile and uplifting messages :heart:
  7. Albatro55


    Thank you for the reply and the reminder ! Thank you ! Yes, that would be funny :) I'd also hope that would make me related to Bob Ross :deciduous:
  8. Albatro55


    Blessings to all ! I was glad to find this forum, and I hope to be able to contribute and to get to know many of you. I also hope to learn more about Christianity and being a follower of Jesus Christ.