Recent content by AFDad

  1. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    HI everyone! Well whoa15 years later! No real changes. Wife and I are doing AWESOME! Not in Church or anything but still Super Happy! Gay Son remarried and is doing well Other son who elected to ID as a chick is OK I guess, never hear from him/her but whatever, we all make our choices, and no...
  2. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Holy Smokes! update is 2 years late! well, hope all of you are doing well. no significant changes save the homosexual son was married then divorced, but we get along well and his life is moving along and we often play video games on-line. Other son (wicca) doesn't talk to us as much as we'd like...
  3. AFDad

    Hi I’m new

  4. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Thanks Sir...yeah it is an oldie. :-)
  5. AFDad

    Pet name

    My Cat is Orion!
  6. AFDad

    Paradox of the paradoxical

    My Cat is a Paradox!
  7. AFDad

    Substance dualism and sleep or drugs

  8. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Good day Everyone! I always find it profitable to update things from time to time and see what happened. Most people on any board just post a problem then fade away. So where are we 7 years later? Well, like some people responded the kids have found their own way. The Wicca was indeed a...
  9. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Hello everyone Well it has been a while but I felt led to give an update on how things went. In short no one was "thrown out" and the Wicca thing seemed to just be a phase and is gone. Of course, things weren't easy, the three months after my return home were very turbulent as I reintergrated...
  10. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Update...My wife brought him to the hospital and had him admitted to a 14 day inpatient program for clinical depression. We'll pray for him and see how things come out after he gets released.
  11. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Thanks guys He fights all the time because his twin brother "does not respect him" and makes fun of his clothes and stuff (death metal tee shirts and such) As "twin A" goes off in his Wicca/death metal direction he has less and less in common with "twin B" so the value of brotherly intervention...
  12. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Thanks guys. Well I wasn't going to "Throw him out". Just help him find a place of his own on good terms because his choice WILL cause conflict. I'd much rather have a cordial relationship then have a big fight and never talk to each other again. He is open to discussion but he can not defend...
  13. AFDad

    18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?

    Good day everyone This is my 1st post, and it's a diffrent one. OK, in a nut shell one of our twin sons is into Wicca. We were hoping it was just some kind of teen rebellion but it seems he really likes it and will go out in the woods and do his "nature rituals" and such. So my wife and I...