Recent content by 2PhiloVoid

  1. 2PhiloVoid

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    I'd say yes, I'm a Christian, but from the looks of your style of writing, I'm probably not a Christian by your strict Baptist standards or measure. As for "science," I begin with both the History of Science and the Philosophy of Science and I end up advocating for Methodological Naturalism...
  2. 2PhiloVoid

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    That's why good scientists, even Christian ones, don't rely solely on the old ideal of "mere empiricism" to get things right.
  3. 2PhiloVoid

    Establishing Secular Morality

    That's a funny response. It really is. ......... but even so, I was attempting to insinuate that the recent spats of 'whistleblower' problems at a dearly beloved company for travelers hasn't been doing its business in all honesty or according to business ethics, and I wonder how many of the...
  4. 2PhiloVoid

    Why Do Christians Lie About What God Said in Genesis 2:17?

    "WE" do???????????????????????????????????????? I'm sorry my good chap, but scientifically, I can't equate a Mitochondrial Eve with the Biblical Eve. Let's not talk about this as if these two separate concepts can be equated with each other. They're definitely not the same concept. Not by a...
  5. 2PhiloVoid

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    :ahah: Somehow in all of that, I feel "excluded" .... I needed a good laugh today. Thank you, Zippy!
  6. 2PhiloVoid

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    You're right, Hans. It is weird of Steve to imply this. But just to be fair, it could be that since Steve has ambiguously referred to "the West," I may have misinterpreted his insinuations to be focused mainly on the U.S. alone when he's actually attempting to attribute his critique to all of...
  7. 2PhiloVoid

    A summation of "Progressive" Christianity beliefs.

    I deny the literal "inerrancy" of the Bible. So, do I magically now become transmuted into a "Progressive" Christian, or is there a certain number of check marks on the list that I have to tick into order to be considered a bona-fide consumer of Progresso Soup?
  8. 2PhiloVoid


    Alright. That's a good, concise answer, and one that, whether I ultimately agree with it or not, is an honest one. So, thank you for this and I'll keep in it in mind as I read and study some of my other Catholic hermeneutical references further. You've given me something to chew on for a...
  9. 2PhiloVoid


    Help me to understand the deductive reasoning that goes into the hermeneutics you're applying and by which you derive this doctrine, because even though I can value the person of Mary in a way that is slightly more significant than the typical Protestant, I'm still not seeing how implementing...
  10. 2PhiloVoid

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    You've misunderstood. I definitely wasn't suggesting that it was a Christian idea. How you read that into what I was saying, I'll never know. Have you ever read Federalist Papers 10 and 51 ? You're right to cite some of the problematic things you do, but all of these things didn't just...
  11. 2PhiloVoid

    A Malebranche Quote for Consideration

    You can crap on as many of "my" philosophers (or theologians) as you like, Zippy. ..................... in fact, I've always wanted folks here to take up that challenge and do so. Crap away, good fellow!!!!!!! As for subscribing to Aristotle, I would never, ever put all of my eggs into one...
  12. 2PhiloVoid

    Teaching the Scriptures-Why Not on ‘Reading Rainbow’?

    My apologies, but the entirety of "how" you're suggesting that Christians should believe the contents of the Bible sounds very cultic to me. I don't separate the handling and reading of the Bible from the way I'd study anything else or any other book.
  13. 2PhiloVoid

    Declining Atheism v Disproportionate influence

    If only the causation of disbelief was this simple, and thereby this easy, to identify. Unfortunately, this one single article you've posted from Pewresearch is not only too little info, it's the wrong type of info to bring to bear for the support your OP.
  14. 2PhiloVoid

    Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Our nation was essentially founded upon this idea because of the infighting that Christians do. And ironically today, Christians act all "surprised" about it.
  15. 2PhiloVoid

    Why Do Atheists Engage in Discussions with Christians?

    I can't speak for an atheist or anyone else who isn't present to represent his or her own ongoing, daily thoughts. But, if I were to go out on a limb and pretend that I could, I'd surmise that a number of them feel they've been somehow "manipulated" by unloving and incongruent people who...