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Leonard Ravenhill was a Christian evangelist and author who focused on the subjects of prayer and revival. Ray Comfort, Ravi Zacharias, Tommy Tenney, Steve Hill, Charles Stanley, Bill Gothard, Paul Washer, and David Wilkerson were all influenced by Ravenhill.
60 Bible Verses Every Christian Should Know By Heart. The more we know God's Word, the better equipped we are as believers to minister, teach and model Christ with our very lives.
Christians believe that the Muhammad of the Quran is not the prophet of Allah and that Jesus of the Bible is the Son of God. What does the Quran really say?
Muslims believe that the Muhammad of the Quran is the prophet of Allah and that Jesus of the Bible is also a prophet of Allah. What does the Quran really say?
The Best Christian Marriage Advice for Men and Women: How to Save Your Marriage: RH3MA explains the ONE thing you can do, RIGHT NOW, in order to SAVE YOUR MARRIAGE - and THIS VIDEO only takes 5 minutes!
Muslims and Christians believe that the Isa of the Quran is the same person as Jesus of the Bible. What does the Quran really say?
Christians are NOT perfect people So STOP expecting them to be. None of us are and none of us will be. Christians aren´t PERFECT .....Just FORGIVEN! We all are in need of The Savior Jesus Christ and we will sin and fail along the way BUT we will be CHRISTLIKE eventually!
Effective and Creative Bible Teaching for children, youth, teens and leadership training. It is for everyone!
10 Questions Every Christians must answer!

Am I Saved?

Am I forgiven?


What is RH3MA all about?
What does accursed (anathema) mean?
The Five Fold Ministry. 1. apostles 2. prophets 3. evangelists 4. pastors 5 teachers
Who Is Satan? What Does the Bible Say About the Devil?
Faith, hope and love. Why is love the greatest?
What does Amen mean? What does Alleluia mean?
What is the meaning of the name Jesus Christ?
RH3MA Creative Bible Teaching
Effective and Creative Bible Teaching for children, youth, teens and leadership training. It is for everyone!