Dreams and visions


Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
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Has anyone here had dreams or visions, where you know God was giving you a message, or affirming something? Thought I'd start a thread, where we can share.

Joel 2:29-29

“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
29 Even on my servants, both men and women,
I will pour out my Spirit in those days."


Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
Marital Status
Here is a dream I had last September. Part of it came true within an hour of waking up.

The dream started out in my office room. There was garbage littered on the floor. As I was picking up the garbage, I wasted time inspecting some of the items, which were filthy. I realized the garbage wasn't things that I had thrown away, but belonged to someone else. After this, I realized it was garbage day, and I had forgotten to put the garbage bins out for pickup. This was in the dream, when in reality, it really was garbage day, and I did forget! After realizing this, a man in a black suit appeared. I didn't recognize him, but sensed some how he was a "pastor/teacher". He was trying to "help me", either sharing his theology from the Bible or something. Suddenly, I felt a burning discomfort on my side, and told the man this. He then tried to help further, but I knew he could not, and he wouldn't leave me alone. That is when I heard from God say to me "Lean on Me", in that quiet still voice. I told the man what God told me, hoping he'd go away and I could just trust in God as he told me to do so. But then the man became insistent in helping, and started wrestling me. After this the dream ended, and I couldn't really fall asleep. Also realizing I had to get out of bed early to make sure I put out the garbage.

I finally made myself get out of bed at 6:30am to put the garbage out. This was where God got my attention, if he didn't have it already. As I went to the alley to put out the first bin, the area I leave the bins, had garbage scattered about! Someone had left garbage in a reusable walmart bag behind the garage, and I assume a raccoon or another animal had scattered it. It had also rained last night, so it was more messier than it should have been. As I used a broom and pan to pick it all up, I started looking over the contents of the garbage. Seeing various random things. I then remembered this was like my dream, when I was picking up the garbage in my office.

The coincidence of me picking up garbage in a dream, then about 7 hours later in real life, are quite slim. The two main things I took away from the dream is that God wants me to go to him for all things. And that I need to get rid of material things I don't need which will be burned up anyways at some point, and don't haven't any eternal value.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Here is a dream I had last September. Part of it came true within an hour of waking up.

The dream started out in my office room. There was garbage littered on the floor. As I was picking up the garbage, I wasted time inspecting some of the items, which were filthy. I realized the garbage wasn't things that I had thrown away, but belonged to someone else. After this, I realized it was garbage day, and I had forgotten to put the garbage bins out for pickup. This was in the dream, when in reality, it really was garbage day, and I did forget! After realizing this, a man in a black suit appeared. I didn't recognize him, but sensed some how he was a "pastor/teacher". He was trying to "help me", either sharing his theology from the Bible or something. Suddenly, I felt a burning discomfort on my side, and told the man this. He then tried to help further, but I knew he could not, and he wouldn't leave me alone. That is when I heard from God say to me "Lean on Me", in that quiet still voice. I told the man what God told me, hoping he'd go away and I could just trust in God as he told me to do so. But then the man became insistent in helping, and started wrestling me. After this the dream ended, and I couldn't really fall asleep. Also realizing I had to get out of bed early to make sure I put out the garbage.

I finally made myself get out of bed at 6:30am to put the garbage out. This was where God got my attention, if he didn't have it already. As I went to the alley to put out the first bin, the area I leave the bins, had garbage scattered about! Someone had left garbage in a reusable walmart bag behind the garage, and I assume a raccoon or another animal had scattered it. It had also rained last night, so it was more messier than it should have been. As I used a broom and pan to pick it all up, I started looking over the contents of the garbage. Seeing various random things. I then remembered this was like my dream, when I was picking up the garbage in my office.

The coincidence of me picking up garbage in a dream, then about 7 hours later in real life, are quite slim. The two main things I took away from the dream is that God wants me to go to him for all things. And that I need to get rid of material things I don't need which will be burned up anyways at some point, and don't haven't any eternal value.
Hmm, sometimes God speaks to you during dreams, though that has not happened to me yet. God shows his ways to people differently. A non-religious and friendly guy here on the forums named @essentialsaltes helped me understand in the ethics forum that I should not use software to bypass news article paywalls (cos I was trying to be a Robin Hood and help people access The New York Times for free by summarizing paywalled articles), and I have kept to that promise since he told me on April 18, 2024. Since that day, I only give brief summaries of articles that are open-access such as those from NPR, BBC or The Guardian. So, God uses people in our lives to guide us in the right direction.
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Oct 6, 2006
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The two main things I took away from the dream is that God wants me to go to him for all things. And that I need to get rid of material things I don't need which will be burned up anyways at some point, and don't haven't any eternal value
Sounds like how I would interpret it. I have multiple dreams every night and some of them are very clear with God speaking. As far as visions, my biological father would have them and he expected I would inherit that gift also. But I have not seen that so much. No pun intended.

Someday I will share some of the ways God has spoken to me. One clear one is related to the book of Revelation. Back in 2007. The ones that are loud and clear I write down in my prayer journal or they end up in my spiritual timeline under dreams Another powerful one in 2006 has to do with fire coming from my hands in a battle. It took 3 years to find interpretation, it came from someone at church. I get a lot of warning dreams about different mens intentions too, which helps me know when to stir clear of them if Im not in a direct working relationship.

I've done dream work every once in awhile and one of the things that I have found useful is if you can get a symbol catalog for yourself. Certain symbols repeat themselves in each individual's dream. What a shark means to me can be completely different to you. Also, there's a great book, I'll have to recommend later that goes into how you can talk to your subconscious and find out the meaning of a dream.
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Aug 31, 2007
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Here is a dream I had last September. Part of it came true within an hour of waking up.

The dream started out in my office room. There was garbage littered on the floor. As I was picking up the garbage, I wasted time inspecting some of the items, which were filthy. I realized the garbage wasn't things that I had thrown away, but belonged to someone else. After this, I realized it was garbage day, and I had forgotten to put the garbage bins out for pickup. This was in the dream, when in reality, it really was garbage day, and I did forget! After realizing this, a man in a black suit appeared. I didn't recognize him, but sensed some how he was a "pastor/teacher". He was trying to "help me", either sharing his theology from the Bible or something. Suddenly, I felt a burning discomfort on my side, and told the man this. He then tried to help further, but I knew he could not, and he wouldn't leave me alone. That is when I heard from God say to me "Lean on Me", in that quiet still voice. I told the man what God told me, hoping he'd go away and I could just trust in God as he told me to do so. But then the man became insistent in helping, and started wrestling me. After this the dream ended, and I couldn't really fall asleep. Also realizing I had to get out of bed early to make sure I put out the garbage.

I finally made myself get out of bed at 6:30am to put the garbage out. This was where God got my attention, if he didn't have it already. As I went to the alley to put out the first bin, the area I leave the bins, had garbage scattered about! Someone had left garbage in a reusable walmart bag behind the garage, and I assume a raccoon or another animal had scattered it. It had also rained last night, so it was more messier than it should have been. As I used a broom and pan to pick it all up, I started looking over the contents of the garbage. Seeing various random things. I then remembered this was like my dream, when I was picking up the garbage in my office.

The coincidence of me picking up garbage in a dream, then about 7 hours later in real life, are quite slim. The two main things I took away from the dream is that God wants me to go to him for all things. And that I need to get rid of material things I don't need which will be burned up anyways at some point, and don't haven't any eternal value.
Blessings in Christ Jesus venksta. The time has come for more understanding of your dream. This you may not like. The man in your dream with the black suite is a man The Lord was warning you about. And telling you to lean(trust) on Him. and Him alone. This man thinks he is a prophet of The Lord and yet The Lord has not sent him. The warnings he brings are not from The Lord. His gospel is another gospel and he is very tricky with his words. The eyes are the lamps of the body. He whom he Lord sends are full of Light(Glowing). You follow this man and are fooled by his words. Go back and look at his eyes, look at his fruit. A tree is known by it's fruit. There is no higher walk, only higher callings as The Lord see's fit.So I write these words for you to consider. They are a warning to a precious son of The Most High. And to be clear his name is John.
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Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
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Sounds like how I would interpret it. I have multiple dreams every night and some of them are very clear with God speaking. As far as visions, my biological father would have them and he expected I would inherit that gift also. But I have not seen that so much. No pun intended.

Someday I share some of the ways God has spoken to me. One clear one is related to the book of Revelation. Back in 2007. The ones that are loud and clear I write down in my prayer journal or they end up in my spiritual timeline under dreams Another powerful one in 2006 has to do with fire coming from my hands in a battle. It took 3 years to find interpretation, it came from someone at church. I get a lot of warning dreams about different mens intentions too, which helps me know when to stir clear of them if Im not in a direct working relationship.

I've done dream work every once in awhile and one of the things that I have found useful is if you can get a symbol catalog for yourself. Certain symbols repeat themselves in each individual's dream. What a shark means to me can be completely different to you. Also, there's a great book, I'll have to recommend later that goes into how you can talk to your subconscious and find out the meaning of a dream.

Oh, good point on symbols. That is something I look out for, but at times, it may not come to mind right away. There was a dream I had in November, and there were three dogs. It came to mind recently, one of the dogs was God, or the Holy Spirit, based on a inside joke God told me. I remember one day thinking about how God spelt backwards is dog. I felt it was disrespectful to God. Then one day, God brought to mind, God spelt backwards is "man's best friend", who God is to us. :)

Blessings in Christ Jesus venksta. The time has come for more understanding of your dream. This you may not like. The man in your dream with the black suite is a man The Lord was warning you about. And telling you to lean(trust) on Him. and Him alone. This man thinks he is a prophet of The Lord and yet The Lord has not sent him. The warnings he brings are not from The Lord. His gospel is another gospel and he is very tricky with his words. The eyes are the lamps of the body. He whom he Lord sends are full of Light(Glowing). You follow this man and are fooled by his words. Go back and look at his eyes, look at his fruit. A tree is known by it's fruit. There is no higher walk, only higher callings as The Lord see's fit.So I write these words for you to consider. They are a warning to a precious son of The Most High. And to be clear his name is John.

Thank you @GTW27 . There was also another thing I hadn't noticed, from your original reply, on the other board, that gave me thought. As for the black suite man, I'll send you a message directly, so we can talk more, and perhaps, you can give me more insight. :)
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Jan 16, 2019
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It's best to ask the Lord for interpretation. Many try to interpret dreams with natural logic and miss the spiritual elements. There are those the Lord may give a word or gifted them to work in this area as a ministry. A lot of themes show up in warfare prayers that I've learned to recognize. Sometimes the Lord explains or the knowledge is instantly there.

But for the most part I don't put excessive focus on dreams. Some go too far and forget dreams have four sources: subconscious, events of the day, the Lord and satan. My initial thought is why it's revealed in the dreamtime when we converse when I'm awake. I don't rush into interpretation without determining it comes from Him.

I shared a resource with @SarahsKnight to address unpleasant dreams and prayed in turn. He shared his experiences recently. That's the lone source I reference on the subject and the topic is addressed in prayer as a matter of practice and prior to retiring.

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Jan 16, 2019
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The people of Iran have been there controlling their own destiny since they were the global power of the Persian empire and they will likely be there after the "American Experiment" is long gone, done, and dusted. Taking them on would be a mission of futility like Vietnam and Afganistan. They don't want to be set free and we can't force them into believing in Western ideals. It would be another war where are young people are killed year after year and nothing changes.

Did you post this on the right thread?
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Dec 20, 2020
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I believe God does communicate thru dreams & visions even to this day. Some dreams have more significance than others & the message he is communicating to you is clear. Get this: Even the ones without meaning are still shaping you! He's allowing them to happen for you, even tho it seems random & nothing! Some people may have the dreams but need to go to someone else for interpretation. Sometimes they may think they're going to the right person but they're not.

But I haven't had one of super-significance.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I receive important messages from God not just from dreams but also from movies.

At times, I get live guidance. You can feel it sometimes when you're about to make difficult choices after another under duress. We've fallen through very difficult times for many years now. While these messages did not solve our big problems, It helped prevent our bad situation from becoming a lot worse.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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I shared a resource with @SarahsKnight to address unpleasant dreams and prayed in turn. He shared his experiences recently. That's the lone source I reference on the subject and the topic is addressed in prayer as a matter of practice and prior to retiring.


When I'm having unpleasant dreams I wake up. Often my unpleasant dreams doesn't involve ghosts or monsters, the theme of my unpleasant dreams is often about doing difficult tasks or failing.

Even so, immediately after waking up from any unpleasant dream, I see spider-like creatures scampering away from me and eventually disappearing into thin air. These visions are not part of the dream anymore, because I'm seeing them while fully awake (never gone back to sleep).

Most of the "spiders" are the size of a human hand. But some are gigantic in size with 5 ft legspans. Sometimes brown, sometimes black in color, the biggest ones have yellow-green glowing eyes. They literally despise the light and would quickly run away into the dark corners of the room. I'm not actually seeing large terrestrial spiders because we have zero of them in our house.

These are probably evil spirits disguising as spiders or probably some kind of "multi-dimensional parasites". When I used to be weaker in spirit, they could approach me even when I'm awake. But now, they can only approach me when unconscious and towards my back, not in front of me. If they ever got caught in front of me when I'm fully awake, they scamper away.

Otherwise confirming that bad dreams are more likely involving evil spirits. Ironically, having large terrestrial spiders residing in your house whether you know it not (hidden somewhere in your house) will intensify these manifestations. Some spiders and arachnids (not all) seems to have an affinity with evil spirits for some strange reason or maybe because they'd be "unclean animals" or something else, I missed in the Bible.
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Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
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When I'm having unpleasant dreams I wake up. Often my unpleasant dreams doesn't involve ghosts or monsters, the theme of my unpleasant dreams is often about doing difficult tasks or failing.

Even so, immediately after waking up from any unpleasant dream, I see spider-like creatures scampering away from me and eventually disappearing into thin air. These visions are not part of the dream anymore, because I'm seeing them while fully awake (never gone back to sleep).

Most of the "spiders" are the size of a human hand. But some are gigantic in size with 5 ft legspans. Sometimes brown, sometimes black in color, the biggest ones have yellow-green glowing eyes. They literally despise the light and would quickly run away into the dark corners of the room. I'm not actually seeing large terrestrial spiders because we have zero of them in our house.

These are probably evil spirits disguising as spiders or probably some kind of "multi-dimensional parasites". When I used to be weaker in spirit, they could approach me even when I'm awake. But now, they can only approach me when unconscious and towards my back, not in front of me. If they ever got caught in front of me when I'm fully awake, they scamper away.

Otherwise confirming that bad dreams are more likely involving evil spirits. Ironically, having large terrestrial spiders residing in your house whether you know it not (hidden somewhere in your house) will intensify these manifestations. Some spiders and arachnids (not all) seems to have an affinity with evil spirits for some strange reason or maybe because they'd be "unclean animals" or something else, I missed in the Bible.

God has used spiders in a different way for me. Back in 2020, he showed me a lesson, where he used a spider three times. The first was on a Sunday, after church. I was in the living room, and my father was in another room. He saw a spider, and told us. Now I couldn't see him or the spider. He then said he would take it outside. A few days later at night, I was walking into the kitchen, and a small spider was hanging from a web. It was positioned right in front of my face. I usually took a napkin, and would flush spiders down the toilet. Instead, remembering what my father did, I took the spider and let it outside. A few days passed, and I was at church to help record our service. I was the last one in the sanctuary. The sun was at a point, that it was shining through the back windows. As I walked around, I noticed a thin long spider web, attached to a corner of a pew, all the way up to the ceiling of the church. Now, our church ceiling is quite high. Maybe over 100 feet. The thing was, the only way anyone would of seen that spider web, was around that moment, so that the sun light could catch it. I was probably the only one that got to witness the marvel. The lesson I took was if I listened to God, and followed his ways, I would see Him do great things.
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Oct 6, 2006
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I mentioned I'd share some dreams that were spiritual. These are dreams that weren't really messages from God but maybe warnings.

1.) Summer of 2000 I was doing a home stay in Kyoto. Also I was studying Japanese and I was having the time of my life. One day I started having these terrible dreams. I won't go into detail but the next morning I saw the grandmother ringing a bell and clapping 3 times with food at the ancestral shrine. Her bedroom was full of mine. I immediately prayed and those dreams went away.
Later in kagoshima I did a two-night home stay with a family. After seeing sites for the day I'm all the family took me to a dark guest room and I fell asleep. Once again I had terrible dreams, my immediate thought is there must be a shrine. Yep, I was at the base if it. I prayed and I didn't have the dreams the 2nd night.
At another homestay in kagoshima I didn't allow for the bad dreams and prayed. I heard movement and rustling in the guest room, but no bad dreams.

2.) Fall of 2006 there was a new guy at work I was intrigued with before I even met him in person. I had tons of dreams that involved him and other guys. I really felt this guys presence I was even more freaked out when he and 2 other guys said words that could only have context for the dream. It was a weird time in my life too where it felt like everyone was reading each other's thoughts without cues.

A dream came, I was in a shopping mall. Suddenly I was floating and taking my stance midair above mall rafters with a faceless enemy. I thought I'm not wrong enough for this person, they were mid air also. They threw fire from their hands that set me back 3 rafters. Then it was my turn, I basically took my hands, flung them forward and fir came from my wrist and sent the faceless man out of sight. I woke up with an unbelievable surge in my body as I couldn't believe I could do that.
Years after each time I explained it, the surge would return. 4 years after I learned from someone in my church that fire from the hands was prayer. It finally made sense, as I prayed hard for that man and his salvation.

On more than one occasion I've said it's m not strong enough Lord, the circumstance would present itself and I was wrong.

A symbol that often shows in different dreams as a shark. I don't live near an ocean, but I have this fear of sharks. Interestingly, I lived on an island for 3 years and learned how to bodyboard, and it surprised my parents that I wasn't afraid of the fish surrounding me. Also I was a jet ski instructor on lake Champlain the summer before and takes of champy were frequent. The fear would catch me once in a while, but not enough to keep me out.

So back to the symbol of the shark, when I have a dream about a shark, I am fearful when it comes up on me but usually I grab it by the Jaws and twist it and when it cries out like a whimpering dog I feel bad. This dream I think is a representation of when I am fearful of something and don't think that I can be strong enough to handle it, with the Lord's help I am.

I have probably about five dreams a night, but not every dream is from God. Some dreams are Taco dreams or processing the day.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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God has used spiders in a different way for me. Back in 2020, he showed me a lesson, where he used a spider three times. The first was on a Sunday, after church. I was in the living room, and my father was in another room. He saw a spider, and told us. Now I couldn't see him or the spider. He then said he would take it outside. A few days later at night, I was walking into the kitchen, and a small spider was hanging from a web. It was positioned right in front of my face. I usually took a napkin, and would flush spiders down the toilet. Instead, remembering what my father did, I took the spider and let it outside. A few days passed, and I was at church to help record our service. I was the last one in the sanctuary. The sun was at a point, that it was shining through the back windows. As I walked around, I noticed a thin long spider web, attached to a corner of a pew, all the way up to the ceiling of the church. Now, our church ceiling is quite high. Maybe over 100 feet. The thing was, the only way anyone would of seen that spider web, was around that moment, so that the sun light could catch it. I was probably the only one that got to witness the marvel. The lesson I took was if I listened to God, and followed his ways, I would see Him do great things.

Sounds amazing. My late dad used to do the same. He found fascination in spiders. A sentiment I did not share with him until in recent years.

I'm scared to death of huge huntsman spiders when I was young. I killed them to get rid of them. But now that I'm much older, I feel terrible whenever I remember killing them. They're far more sophisticated than they look and much more intelligent than they care to reveal. Their hatchlings can "sing" together. You won't find this information anywhere just "fortunate" I got to hear the little ones make a tune before I killed all of them. It was tragic. I haven't killed any spider since. The memories of those little ones still haunts me after so many years. I sometimes dream of the clutch with the little ones and their mother. Their mother is critically injured and dying and wants me to take care of her little ones. But they're not spiders in that dream, they were people. Children who lost their house, hiding from other people who wants to harm or kill them.
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Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
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I mentioned I'd share some dreams that were spiritual. These are dreams that weren't really messages from God but maybe warnings.

1.) Summer of 2000 I was doing a home stay in Kyoto. Also I was studying Japanese and I was having the time of my life. One day I started having these terrible dreams. I won't go into detail but the next morning I saw the grandmother ringing a bell and clapping 3 times with food at the ancestral shrine. Her bedroom was full of mine. I immediately prayed and those dreams went away.
Later in kagoshima I did a two-night home stay with a family. After seeing sites for the day I'm all the family took me to a dark guest room and I fell asleep. Once again I had terrible dreams, my immediate thought is there must be a shrine. Yep, I was at the base if it. I prayed and I didn't have the dreams the 2nd night.
At another homestay in kagoshima I didn't allow for the bad dreams and prayed. I heard movement and rustling in the guest room, but no bad dreams.

This reminded me of something that happened at least twice. I used to go down to Seattle for a convention with my friends, and we'd stay over a friends house. It was his parent's second home, and there was a some what large buddhist shrine inside. I always stayed in the same bed room each trip. Twice, on Sunday mornings, between two trips, the bed room door opened by itself. At first, I thought a friend opened the door to wake me up, but everyone was asleep. The door latch itself was strong. I think a spirit was trying to intimidate me maybe.

I have probably about five dreams a night, but not every dream is from God. Some dreams are Taco dreams or processing the day.

I usually have a dream or two each night, however, the ones where God has a message for me, can be months a part. Those ones I wake up remembering vividly, and am even able to start discerning them right away. For regular dreams, I usually forget as soon as a I wake up.
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Jesus is humanity's most successful rebel.
May 12, 2004
Kingdom of God
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Here is a dream I had in November, where the first part came true. I had to wait several days to learn about it. This dream happened the week after Remembrance Day, November 11th. The church choir sang that Sunday morning. During the practice, there was a lady, who is newer to our church, decided to sit at the back of the choir pews, in the dead center with the male tenor singers. During the practice, before the service, the back row was off center. When they tried to shuffle to align, the lady refused to move. Once the service started, she ended up being off center, and a tall person in front of her blocked her from view.

Now the dream. A few days later, I dreamed I was walking along a street near my home, towards it. I could tell it was the narrow path, that Jesus talked about. However, I could hardly see anyone on it. Someone passed me by, being led by a dog. Then I turned around, and saw this same lady, from church, far in the distance, walking the same way as me. After a few houses passed by, I turned around, and this lady was now catching up to me. As she passed me, she said something very prideful. I can't remember the words. Then as I watched her go further ahead, she suddenly left the path, and veered to the right, going south, through the yards of some house. She wasn't going into a house, but just took her own path to where she was going. I didn't see her again.

After this the second part of my dream started. I finally got to my home street. So I walked up the block, turning north, but noticed two dogs fighting on the street, with no owners visible. Scared they may attack me, I stealthy walked behind some trees, until my house was across the street from me. I noticed one dog ran away. The other stayed put, and appeared to be a normal brown colored dog. It didn't seem it would harm me. So I walked across the street to my house. As I got close, I saw the second dog in my yard. As I got closer, I decided to enter the house from the front door. The dog looked more like an unhealthy blue lion, as if it was dead. It tried to come after me, so I started walking up the front stairs. It tried to get at me from under the stairs. I used a bag I was carrying to make it go away. But it persisted, and tried to come from the front of the stairs to get me. As I was higher up, I used my foot to kick it back down. The dream ended there.

For the last part of the dream, it seemed clear, that the enemy is defeated, and God has him handled. Psalm 110:1 came to mind. "The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." I recently came to realization, the brown dog, which defeated the blue deathly lion, represented God. As well, earlier in the dream, the person on the narrow path, with the dog, was someone being lead by God.

Now for the first part. After that dream, when I was back at church the next time, I shared the dream with the worship leader. Afterwards, he brought up that he received an email from the lady. Apparently she watched the live stream, after the church service, and complained the camera did not show the entire choir. She was vague about it, but I know during the live stream, she was blocked from view on the camera. I was running the live stream that Sunday. I also never changed the camera views, and kept them at their usual places. They were exactly the same as the last time the choir sang, when she was there. She sent a second email after complaining again, and told the worship team leader, she would not be attending church for a while due to a reason. It was a while before she returned back to church. There's been something about this lady, that makes me wonder. One Sunday, before this happened, a word came to me, as I saw her. "Snake". I felt awful of thinking that towards her. After the dream, I realized the word was about some pride in her, which she keeps bringing along when at our church service.
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