Blog entries by Victory of the Cross

Jesus is.. The Person who would love the very people you ignore. He would Judge those who Judged Others. He would sooner have a kind word for a sinner than a self righteous saint. You would rarely find him at a church.. but would find him on the streets with the hurting. He wouldn't desire to...
Except from a Collaborative Story I posted at "No one expected the world to change as suddenly as it did, we were so dependent on modern convenience that we built civilization upon it, at the time no one knew how bad it really was.. if we had only built our society on God...
Its Been over 4 years since I last posted on Christian forums. Many will remember me as Redeemed_warrior. One of the major changes in my Life since then is the most important of all My walk with Jesus Christ has taken a radical overhall, While i was always to my mind "a good christian" it...