Blog entries by Brotherly Spirit

Yesterday I wrote few more poems. Glad I've continued with it and will when I have the time, as I usually do during the weekends. I had on my mind things about understanding, what's the point, and different perspectives. So the few poems below are my thoughts and feelings about it all. Our...
Here's a couple of poems I did last Sunday. I've tried some short and simple poems in the past. But it's never been an actual interest or hobby. Hopefully it's something I continue, it's not stressful taxing me mentally and emotionally. Except unlike other things it has great meaning and...
It's been more than a week since Thanksgiving night I happened to learn about Mattie J.T. Stepanek. He was a young poet and peace activist who expressed himself using words. Both in his poetry and his speech, Mattie was able to express himself with words in a way that touched hearts. I believe...
_The Lord taught selflessness in a self-centered world. A place where most have adopted a false sense of reality of their own creation. Lacking true understanding they believe themselves to know better based upon flawed ideals. Which they use to set rules for others to obey. When the reality of...
Brotherly Spirit
1 min read
Often too much is put on our plate, guess what happens. My experience has been it spilling everywhere I don't want it. That feel of whelm plus frustration is a taunting couple, stirring the pot for a bigger mess. Certain thoughts and emotions boil to the surface. If not careful it could burn you...
Brotherly Spirit
1 min read
As I had typed about in the previous entry; I have a need for the foundation of life's principles put into practice. Attaining the certainty of truth, knowledge and righteousness; is easier said than done, probably believed than spoken. Not a single person can be all knowing and always right...
Brotherly Spirit
2 min read
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As a man I tend to be indecisive about everything. This includes decisions about my life, from personal to political. Not yet have I fully accepted a set of beliefs, either way; fearful of being incorrect and wrong, not knowing for certain what is true or right. Also there's the consequences...