psychology of religion

  1. Tom 1

    Jordan Peterson

    I’ve recently started reading some of Jordan Peterson’s work, and I’m interested in what other people think about it, in terms of drawing deeper meaning out of the bible as well as addressing issues in secular society. He won’t be tied down to any public statement on his own beliefs, whatever...
  2. Geoffrey300

    Church Problems " Too much Yelling " etc

    Hello all, I don't go to church at the moment and I wanted to share my reasons why. Maybe someone out there has some helpful feedback that they can give me on their perspective on things. 1. I often find Pastors yelling at the top of the voices trying to tell me a message. I dislike being...
  3. H

    how people interact with religion

    I am an undergraduate Psychology student , and I would like to recruit participants for my survey study. The current study aims to study how people interact with religion. This study is not intended to discredit religion, rather it is to understand the relationship between religion and...
  4. H

    how people interact with religion

    I am an undergraduate Psychology student , and I would like to recruit participants for my survey study. The current study aims to study how people interact with religion. This study is not intended to discredit religion, rather it is to understand the relationship between religion and...