
  1. deborahjoy429

    Egal charismatic, xennial, fairly Arminian, ecumenically-oriented, disabled.

    Hello, Browsing the categories here, I am an egalitarian, xennial non-word-of-faith charismatic. I became suddenly severely ill on the cusp of adulthood while co-leading a mission trip in a remote area in Latin America and have been disabled for over two decades (most of those years housebound...
  2. A

    Disability Awareness Sunday September 18th 2022

    Hello all - My name is Annette and I am new to the forums. I'm passionate about including everyone in church life, especially disabled people, so I wanted to post this article advertising Disability Awareness Sunday. Note: I'm based in the UK, so any hard-copy resources mentioned are only...
  3. S

    How to respect a husband who doesn’t work or contribute

    Hello, I could use some advice, preferably from married Christian women, but anyone is welcome to contribute :). I have struggled a lot with the command to respect my husband. A very condensed statement about my background is that I used to essentially be a liberal feminist atheist, and my...
  4. Joanna-Innokentovna

    Mutual Support for Disabled and/or Homebound Orthodox Christians

    Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord, have mercy on us. Due to disability, I am unable to attend Divine Services in person. I also know firsthand how it is to be "different" in church, and to have a priest who does not seem to know how to provide guidance and support in this...
  5. Heartofsilver

    Prayers for my aunt, Stage 4 cancer and cousin with disabilities

    Hello everyone, Please pray for my aunt who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She will be unable to take care of my cousin who is quadriplegic and is in a wheelchair. Please pray for them, for the rest of the family, their friends, and other loved ones. Please pray that our God will...
  6. Heartofsilver

    A few months ago...

    Hello everyone, A few months ago I started having severe panic attacks which was triggered on by my OCD/rumination thoughts and going too hard for too long with school which resulted in me not properly taking care of myself. This was due to lack of time and mishandling by the university. I also...
  7. Heartofsilver

    Hard past couple of days

    I have had a hectic past couple days that have been filled with stress and anxiety. My goal for this summer was to be lessen my stressors, but more are building up when dealing with daily life. I just started going to a women's Bible study where I don't really know any of the girls there and...
  8. SummerMadness

    Discipline Disparities for Black and Disabled Students 'Transcend Poverty' in US Schools, Study Show

    Discipline Disparities for Black and Disabled Students 'Transcend Poverty' in US Schools, Study Show
  9. Amy-Rebekah

    Autism/ accessible service ideas

    hi guys, last Sunday I went to church and ended up with a thumping migraine due to the lights and noise etc but in my migraine medication state I had an idea. Many services are simply inaccessible for people with autism and other disabilities. I am wondering how I could make a service accessible...
  10. My Brother's Keeper

    Is Illness Caused by Sin?

    I came across a statement the other day supposing that illness is a result of sin and when a person is healed it means they are forgiven of their sins. I can only guess at which scriptures the person has in mind to support his statement. Let's start with 1 Cor 11:30: "For this reason many among...
  11. jbreyes777

    Schizoaffective Disorder and Depression - I Hear Voices...

    Thank you for your visit. Some members of my family knows, but not all, and not all of my Face Book friends knows about it. But here it is. It's sometimes embarrassing for me to say that, I'm on Social Security Disability when I am asked if I am working or not. So, I thought I'd share a bit of...