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  1. t4inted-


    hi everyone ive been a christian for about 7 years now and the Lord seemed to take away alot of my sin like drug and alcohol addiction, fornication, stealing, and mostly in the way i use to walk i walk no longer but ever since coming to faith ive struggled sexually with lust and masturbation at...
  2. t4inted-

    In a new church (I think Southern Baptist)

    Hi brethren I recently started going to a new church this year after COVID. I was going to a non-denominational before but they brought in another gospel so I thought it was time to go to a new church so I started looking for other churches and found this one baptist church that was birthed out...
  3. t4inted-

    What are you listening to right now? (24)

    I can’t make you love me - bon iver
  4. t4inted-

    Advice ? (Fitness)

    Hi everyone just asking for advice on fitness.. I use to work out when I was 18 i am 28 now and im looking to workout again I am of a slim build but im kind of out of shape. I am just wondering would push ups, chin-ups, squats and sit-ups and going for a jog everyday do anything for me to...
  5. t4inted-

    Mental health doesn’t help

    im not much of a people person that’s one of my challenges is making friends especially at church though I have made a few yet I’m still working on it. I recently started going to a new church as well
  6. t4inted-

    Mental health doesn’t help

  7. t4inted-

    Mental health doesn’t help

  8. t4inted-

    Impossible ?

    I am 28M I have diagnosis that effects my mental health a lot at times I was diagnosed at 21 but before that I never had much signs of anything but I have been recovering well and have been having some stability in my life for once. I was a former drug and alcohol addict and a proud thief...
  9. t4inted-

    Mental health doesn’t help

    Hey everyone I could use some prayer I’m finding it hard to accept certain things in my life and things I would like to do or hoped for seem down the drain and I find life difficult. It feels like I cannot face them though I try to look to the Lord I still cannot seem to get past accepting my...
  10. t4inted-

    Organized Stalking/ Group Stalking A Growing Evil

    I can say I have experienced this and may be at the highest level of it. It has been a trial to my faith but God has helped me through it and know that all things work together for his good. You are blessed when this is happening ““Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say...
  11. t4inted-

    Separate callings ?

    Just wondering is a preacher and a pastor two separate callings ?
  12. t4inted-

    Change username (need blessings)

    thank you
  13. t4inted-

    Change username (need blessings)

    Hi there I’m not sure where to post this but I want to change my username and I need blessings to do that if anyone could help me :)
  14. t4inted-

    contemplating (diagnosis and work)

    hey everyone i need some advice about something in my life that has been causing me much frustration and at times discouragement. i am going to share my diagnosis pray for no stigma, i have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, some things happened in my life and its a long story but the Lord came into...
  15. t4inted-

    Please Read and Agree before Posting

    read and agree
  16. t4inted-

    a call to preach?

    hey everyone, i am just wondering what do i do if i feel like i may know what the Lord is calling me to? i believe the Lord may be calling me to be a preacher, but im not sure who to go to or ask about it. i recently just started going to a new church and have told the pastor there that i think...
  17. t4inted-


    I sometimes see colors blotches of colors but there not really there but I see them...sometimes I really do think I’m sick with my mental illnesses.. thankfully there’s the great physician “they that are whole need not a physician but they that are sick” the Lord Jesus Christ