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  1. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 5/28/2024: You and I have to adjust over to The world we live in But that how we need to Move along in life and Not in the mistreating others regardless of Race, color, creed, religion, income, etc. How you and I need to treat others the way You and I want to be treated...
  2. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day 2024: But this is a world Full of sin and in Questioning how we need to Behave and in the being Kind to others even when they are so Unloving and mistreat others could be Due to their family acting and they in Return treat others as God looks in the Heart not the outside...
  3. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    Our world is like a huge Zoo and in the need for Us to get along regardless Over in our differences and In our opinions and how You and I need to act the way God would want us to act Treating others the way that We would want to be treated.
  4. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    God created us in order to In His eyes and in knowing How we are created and in the Acting on it in this world Bear in mind that God created Us and that we are no mistake It however grieves Him when people Do not turn out the way that He Meant for them to be created.
  5. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day Weekend 2024: But that really if we Rely upon the Lord for Guidance and support He Will be in the leading on Us and in the hopes we are Law abiding citizens and good Kind people if we are to live Over in this world on it.
  6. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/23/2024: He knows when we Enter the world through Our mothers wombs and in Matter of fact when we Come in and are created before You and I enter our mothers wombs We are not mistakes as God Created us to be the way we were and are.
  7. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Wed Thoughts 5/22/2024: You and I are created to Be different and in the Acting different and in the Lord didn't create no two People to be alike as we Were in the being created over For in the having different in the Kinds of hair, color, creed, gender, religion, etc. God had us all...
  8. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 5/28/2024: Just praying for those who Protect and serve as mostly Those who use the badge and Carry a gun are mainly good people Sadly you will have bad Apples due to the world being Full of sin and how that only God's love can and will change those People into using...
  9. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day 2024 But God chose for that Person whether oven in Race, color, creed, gender, religion Over to wear the badge But sadly they abuse it for Personal gains or in the Using their bullying tactics and Methods to abuse others In particular the innocent.
  10. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    Still how would he like It if someone tried to do that Over to his own wife or Children as he wouldn't had Like that as he had in the lack of Empathy or sympathy for a family From Australia in trying to make a Living in the USA and should had Been shown a kinder way over to the Land of the free...
  11. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    You can only hope that the Guy either had a bad day Or just was like that For if he was and how Maybe he lost his job Or that he was warned and You wouldn't want to wish For something awful to happen to Him or in his family on it.
  12. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day Weekend 2024: When you carry that badge and Gun as my youngest niece in Using to have a boyfriend who is A deputy sheriff and hopes to Become a US Marshal and How in the using in the Carrying that oath like it is And should be a badge of honor.
  13. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/23/2024: But sadly we have on Those who wear the Badge or in the carrying the Gun on it need in realizing Once they take the oath in Not abusing over in the trust of others Whether federal, state, county, or city You take an oath to protect and serve.
  14. JPPT1974

    JPPT1974's Daily Devotions

    JPPT1974's Wed Thoughts 5/22/2024: He is not the first and Sadly will not be the Last in showing over in Bad role models over in Law enforcement and that Any kind of law enforcement Whether it is federal, state, and Local in the protect and serve The people they are sworn to protect On it there...
  15. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Tues Thoughts 5/28/2024: Like with our emotional and Mental health and how that God says we are His temples When we hurt our bodies we In return are in the hurting our Temples that Christ has given Us and that we need to realize They are not given to us or nothing You and I earned as...
  16. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day 2024: Get help and in the Questioning on the kind of Help that we may need Plus God wants to take care of Our emotional and mental health Now that it is in the forefront People who felt it was not important Well it is now important as we seek out The ways that God calls...
  17. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    God calls in taking care Of us and in the taking Care over in our mental and Emotional health and that how the World has in the neglecting on those For such beyond a very long time an Understatement and how we need to In facing reality how to find the right Kind of counseling and medications as...
  18. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    It really helped me when Finding out I had in the Asperger's a form of Autism Over in finding the right Counseling and in the medication Took me awhile but that Have been in the counseling for twenty one Years and hopefully am counting Due to being comfortable with them.
  19. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Memorial Day Weekend 2024: God does not like to See His children suffer By any and all means He will take care over of our Emotional and mental health that Are overlooked but it is getting Much more better in finding counseling and medication It may take awhile but it is the Right...
  20. JPPT1974

    JPPT's Faithful Thoughts and Devotions (3)

    JPPT1974's Thurs Thoughts 5/23/2024 It is how mental and Emotional health and illness Could be in the triggering out For those that can't find the right kind of Over in counseling and medication And it is how there is a Saying that it is OK not to be OK and it is about feeling like we should...